Saturday, March 28, 2009

Same Congress with Bush Leadership vs Obama Power Grab

Tyranny in Action by an Illegitimate Government

Current Proposed or Implemented Examples of Government Tyranny Today
  • Government Control of Business--Banks, Auto, Insurance (AIG), Health Records
  • Astronomical Deficits--Created by the very Government Individuals and Policies that are defining and advancing more of the same regulations
  • Government Organized Control--Ag, Energy, Guns, Health Care
  • Government funding political groups--ACORN, Unions, Government/Business Agencies
  • Courts--Stacked with Progressive Judges that make law instead of interpreting it
  • Selective Constitution Compliance--Freedom of the Press, 2nd Amendment, and Separation of Powers, Obama is challenging all action to require proof he's legal to be President, Immigration, Education
  • Media Control--Selective Coverage, Intimidation, Funding
  • CZAR's--Banking, Health, Education, etc.
  • Cap and Trade--Mechanism for total Government Control of all Energy to advance Political Control
  • Power over Own Accountability--Head committees or bodies responsible for their accountability--President, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Holder
  • Interaction between independent support organizations and hidden funding
  • Indoctrination Camps--Required Education Participation
These are just a few example to see if anyone is aware, or cares, what this Tyrannic Government is doing or attempting to do to America.

What will it take to make you aware, and care?

Your Job is Lost, Your Bankruptcy has Occurred, Your Wealth Removed and/or Shared, Your Property is Taken, You or A Family Member is Imprisoned for previous legal activity, Your Money Confiscated, Your Defense Confiscated, Your Transportation is Selected for you, Your Business is Lost, Your Trust in Government is Lost, Your Faith is defined for you, Your Food is provided to You, Your Health is Controlled for you, a Guantanamo Release is relocated to your Neighborhood, Your Currency is Under U.N. Control, Your Government is under U.N. Control or other entity, Your National Defense is weakened to the point where it can't defend the U.S.A., the Deficit is 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x..10x, Obama is Illegal President, Joe Biden is President, Nancy Pelosi is President, Internment Camps for challengers, Your Electricity is Rationed, Your Food is Rationed, The Dollar is worthless, etc.

Believe it or not, any or all of the above are possible. Which is going to happen next?

Please submit your own lists, or challenge any you like in the Comments Section. I'll try to post links of evidence in response to a challenge.

If you are aware and care, write or call (often) the Executive Office, any Congressional Office, the Press, and the Media. Boycott the Liberal Media and Press. Determine who, or what, you can trust for information.

Citizens of America, we are controlled by Liberals at this time. To influence Liberals and limit their damage, we must realize their God is Power, and we must limit their power.

Americans Largely Silent as Their Nation is Systematically Destroyed

CanadiaFreePress By JB Williams Tuesday, March 24, 2009

After trillions in taxpayer debt has been foolishly poured into the bottomless black hole of leftist wealth redistribution programs, under the guise of economic “stimulus” or “stabilization” legislation, the new “ONE World” government running Washington DC announces; Geithner, Bernanke Call for New Wind-Down Powers After AIG… and the people still sit silent as they watch Obamanation grow in unbridled power.

Geithner Asks Congress for even Broader Power to Seize private Firms as the average American stumbles through their daily routine as if nothing is happening. Canada Free Press managing editor Judi McLeod writes No cheerleader for propping up greenback at G20 summit asking, “Is the table being set for One World Government rather than speeding the recovery of the worldwide recession at next week’s G20 London summit?

Obamanation has taken the nation from a trillion in debt to over $4 trillion in debt in the first sixty days, with even more federal spending promised, which could put the nation $10 trillion in debt before the 2010 mid-term election cycle. Amnesty for illegals and ACORN led redistricting will make 2010 and beyond a moot point.

Still, beyond the movement to mail tea bags to members of congress or file another legal demand for proof of Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office he holds, both of which are like whistling in the breeze, the people remain largely silent.

How much human suffering will it take before the American People are willing to take a stand against what this Congress and Administration are doing to the core principals of the Constitution?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Democracy is the Road to Socialism


This Article from by J.B. Williams paints a very clear picture of what America has in it's past and future.

The Point of No Return

From a trillion in debt to $4 trillion in debt in a matter of six weeks in power.

From keeping international terrorists on the run to welcoming them to US streets and criminal courts; From recognizing the world’s most dangerous regimes to begging for friendship with the world’s most dangerous regimes; From ACORN voter and election fraud to ACORN partnership with the White House in an effort to manipulate the census and forever change national elections by way of redistricting.

From public outrage over blatant illegal immigration to full amnesty and voting rights for illegal invaders, who will then be signed to labor unions and DNC voter rolls by the millions, making certain that only Democrats can win national elections for the balance of this century, or until such time that the people revolt.

The election of Barack Obama marks the passing of the point of no return. There is no peaceful means of reversing the current daily assault on all things American. People who thought they could let the country fall into enemy hands only to regain control in 2010 or 2012, were complete fools.

They don’t need you and they don’t want you. They want you to shut up and take it in the shorts and learn to like it. They want you to go away. It’s only your assets, they want.
It is eye opening and scary at the same time. Do you vision any other scenario?

Glenn Beck on the AIG Government Scam

This 11 minute video covers one of the giant government Scams.

Did Obama Answer This Question Today?

Thanks for submitting this question.

Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government

A video presentation that should be given to all Liberals. Libs are you listening?

I wish the Conservative "Politicians" in the U.S. had these communications skills and facts.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Deficit vs Bush Deficit

If Bush was a Big Spender dealing with 911, Katrina, Iraq, and Afghanistan, then what do you call Obama's spending dealing with only Afghanistan? I know, you call it Liberalism.

Thank you very much.

Obama's Written News Conference

Genius Obama News Conference

How embarrassing? Campaigner In Chief has to use Teleprompter or Television at staged news conference where questioners were pre selected and probably the questions themselves. of March 25, 2009

The American People are finally beginning to see who we elected. We elected for President of the United States A Teleprompter, or was it The Person Behind the Teleprompter.

I think The Teleprompter needs repair.

Side question: Can anyone confirm that the Obama Administration sent a letter to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France addressed to Former President Jacques Chirac?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Milton Friedman - Greed

Tradecraft by Jonathan Hoenig (Author Archive)
Milton Friedman died almost three years ago, and given the socialist coup that’s been undertaken in this country over the last year, there’s little doubt Friedman is turning over in his grave. Even before the bailouts, AIG, Freddie/Fannie and Bear Stearns were not examples of free-market economics and are even less so now. In our current age, capitalism is seen as the problem, not the solution.

In this classic Donohue clip from 1979, Friedman deftly answers criticism that capitalism somehow creates economic hardship, a charge frequently made by politicians now intent on “spreading the wealth around.” And at a time in which corporate greed is commonly charged assailed as the culprit, Friedman questions the now commonly accepted notion that political self interest is nobler somehow than economic self interest.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Facts Don't Impact This "Government"

CBO to Project 2009 Deficit Will Reach $1.9 Trillion (Update2)

By Brian Faler in March 20, 2009

March 20 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s budget will generate a $1.9 trillion deficit this year, $100 billion more than the administration projected, according to a person familiar with a Congressional Budget Office report to be released today.

The White House projected this year’s deficit will reach $1.75 trillion.

The person said next year’s shortfall will also be larger than projected, totaling $1.4 trillion. The administration said in its budget request to Congress last month that next year’s deficit would total $1.17 trillion....

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said yesterday her colleagues wouldn’t alter their priorities even if CBO reported gloomier numbers than the White House.

"Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up."

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.
That Is Real Change, but Where is the Hope?

Obama/Media Diversion vs Congressional Action


Did you hear about Obama "gaff" on Lino? Of course you did.

Did you hear "House adopts plan for 'volunteer' corps?" I'll bet you didn't.
Also requires new evaluation of 'mandatory' service for all:
Posted: March 19, 2009
4:58 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The vote yesterday came on H.R. 1388, which reauthorizes through 2014 the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service

Act of 1973, acts that originally, among other programs, funded the AmeriCorps and the National Senior Service Corps.

It not only reauthorizes the programs, but also includes "new programs and studies" and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Many, however, are raising concerns that the program, which is intended to include 250,000 "volunteers," is the beginning of what President Obama called his "National Civilian Security Force" in a a speech last year in which he urged creating an organization as big and well-funded as the U.S. military. He has declined since then to elaborate.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama Chaos on Steroids

TelePrompter Obama is creating chaos in so many arenas and on so many fronts, that by the time the Media is through with AIG, you've missed all the bigger issues.

TelePrompter Obama ignited the current media frenzy and will capitalize on it in many ways. Some of the more important coming attractions being overlooked by the AIG media frenzy:
  1. Drugs, Gangs, and Illegal Immigration
  2. Insurance Must Disclose Climate Change Exposure
  3. Activist Judges
  4. $8.6 Trillion Stimulus just Drop in the Bucket
  5. ACORN to partner with Government for 2010 Census
  6. Ammo Shortage
  7. Obama Pledge Campaign
  8. "earnings inequality" and "wealth concentration."
  9. Wealth Redistribution Video
  10. Radical Budget
  11. Bill Veterans Private Insurance This is a plan to run up health insurance costs, so the Peasants will demand Government Health Care. Watch for other attempts at this. It's also a deterrent to joining the military.
These are just some topics, with Links, that are moving ahead, while The Media keeps repeating AIG.

AIG is important because it is the chaos needed to convince the Peasants that government needs to fix it. Watch for new rules to control the radical Wall Street.

All of the above are Chaos that only the Government can fix. Give up you 8th graders and let them fix it, while they fix you too.

Do you feel more secure today? Financially? Defense? Freedom? Jobs? Education? Health?

Do you think it's still those rascally Republicans and Bush?

Are you finally beginning to understand who runs this corrupt government?

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Obama YOU Can Believe In!

Deception at Core of Obama Plans

By Charles Krauthammer
Summarized in the last paragraph:
Clever politics, but intellectually dishonest to the core. Health, education and energy -- worthy and weighty as they may be -- are not the cause of our financial collapse. And they are not the cure. The fraudulent claim that they are both cause and cure is the rhetorical device by which an ambitious president intends to enact the most radical agenda of social transformation seen in our lifetime.
His policy is dominated by Saying What the Listener Wants to Hear, but Doing What He Wants to Advance a Socialist/Marxist Agenda.

The all important questions remains? Will the Libs wake up and stop the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Coup, or will they join at the expense of their own (and the Worlds) Freedom and Wealth? If they do wake up, how long will it take to recover the Greatest Society that ever existed on earth, prior to the 2006/2008 elections? Or will it forever be too late?

Libs created this mess, and Libs will have to stop it. That's the bad news and the bad news.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So You Didn't Like the Bush Deficit!

On The Road To Socialism? We've Arrived!

By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN | Posted Tuesday, March 03, 2009 4:20 PM PT

Where the U.S. government usually consumes 21% of gross domestic product, this Obama budget spends 28% in 2009 and runs a deficit of $1.75 trillion, or 12.7% of GDP. That is four times the largest deficit of George W. Bush and twice as large a share of the economy as any deficit run since World War II.

Add that 28% of GDP spent by the U.S. government to the 12% spent by states, counties and cities, and government will consume 40% of the economy in 2009.

We are not "headed down the road to socialism." We are there.

Since the budget was released, word has come that the U.S. economy did not shrink by 3.8% in the fourth quarter, but 6.2%. All the assumptions in Obama's budget about growth in 2009 and 2010 need to be revised downward, and the deficits revised upward. Look for the deficit for 2009 to cross $2 trillion.

This is for all those voters that were persuaded by style and overlooked substance. More Obama Society to follow!

I'll take the Bush/Reagan days over the Obama/Carter days anytime.

Until the Libs recognize the change they impose is change you can't believe in, Socialism/Marxism will continue to spread.

More Lib Deception to Follow!