Friday, November 20, 2009

Petrol prices: Oil tankers loitering off British coast as they lie in wait for price hikes | Mail Online

Petrol prices: Oil tankers loitering off British coast as they lie in wait for price hikes | Mail Online

The $100 Million Health Care Vote? - The Note

The $100 Million Health Care Vote? - The Note

The section spends two pages defining which “states” would qualify, saying, among other things, that it would be states that “during the preceding 7 fiscal years” have been declared a “major disaster area.”

I am told the section applies to exactly one state: Louisiana, the home of moderate Democrat Mary Landrieu, who has been playing hard to get on the health care bill.

In other words, the bill spends two pages describing would could be written with a single world: Louisiana. (This may also help explain why the bill is long.)

Senator Harry Reid, who drafted the bill, cannot pass it without the support of Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu.

How much does it cost? According to the Congressional Budget Office: $100 million.

More Featured Liberal Corruption

U.S. Treasury - David S. Cohen - Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

U.S. Treasury - David S. Cohen - Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

Can this be real? Do we really have an Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing?

Was David Cohen financing Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan?

13 Senators - Google Docs

13 Senators - Google Docs

Contact information for 13 influential Senators that may or may not be in the tank for the Socialist Health care bill.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Associated Press: Soros hedge fund takes stake in Ford Motor

The Associated Press: Soros hedge fund takes stake in Ford Motor

Beware of these investments. Soros leverages his money by buying profitable businesses and then controls them. Take a look at the company's he is increasing his interest in from that standpoint.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The New Team - Politics - The New York Times

The New Team - Politics - The New York Times

The New Iran Man at the State Department's Iran Desk

American Thinker- Print Article

What is the National Iranian American Council?

The Council is widely considered the de facto lobby for the Iranian regime in America. It opposes sanctions on Iran, soft-pedals any controversial events in Iran, and counsels "patience" regarding Iran's stance towards its nuclear program. The NIAC has been at the forefront of lobbying against continued congressional funding of the Voice of America Persia service, Radio Farad, and grants for Iranian civil society. To top it off, the NIAC has reportedly received funding from anti-Israel advocate George Soros, who at the very least was an honored guest and speaker at one of its symposiums. (He called for a more equitable Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and advocated for America to renounce regime-change as a goal).

Major Muslim's Calling Card: "SoA", "Soldier of Allah" - Atlas Shrugs

Major Muslim's Calling Card: "SoA", "Soldier of Allah" - Atlas Shrugs