Friday, January 20, 2012

Judge Malihi ruled in my favor. Obama’s motion to quash my subpoena is denied! He has to appear at trial and present all the documents that I demanded to produce in my subpoena! | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire

Judge Malihi ruled in my favor. Obama’s motion to quash my subpoena is denied! He has to appear at trial and present all the documents that I demanded to produce in my subpoena! | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire

Obama’s motion to quash my subpoena is denied! He has to appear at trial and present all the documents that I demanded to produce in my subpoena!

Maybe justice will finally prevail.

But I will believe it only when I see it happen.

Congratulations go to Dr. Orly Taitz for her single persistent pursuit of the truth against the unchecked and unlimited Holder Injustice Department.

Good luck Dr. Taitz on your run for the US Senate.

1 comment:


    Justice for All?
