Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spade or Joker?

This morning I was watching some of the business talk shows covering the "Stimulus" Plan, the economy, the market, and politics. The Media is beginning to realize this isn't a stimulus at all, but a reward to those who elected Obama. In fact they were even counting how much more Obama was going to have to pay back to cover the special interest investments before the Obama Czar would stop doling out taxpayer money to unions and other special interests for what they had paid for his selection.

While it was refreshing to see them acknowledge this wasn't a stimulus package at all, but a reward to those special interests. It was equally obvious they don't have a clue what Obama is about and the larger fundamental agenda he is pursuing.

The mindset of the Media is that he's looking for solutions to fix our economic crisis, or he's trying to fix our troubled labor problems, or our health problems, or our bank problems, or our security problems, or our auto problems, or our energy issues. They can't see the forest for the trees.

What Obama is doing is obvious. It's transparent (sort of), and well known to anyone that's not ignorant or politically correct. It isn't even apparent to those who care about individual freedom and responsibility that have been misled by The Media and bought into the mainstream propaganda.
  • Obama isn't trying to fix the economy. He's making it worse so only the government can fix it.
  • Obama isn't trying to fix labor problems. He's empowering unions and advancing class warfare. Divide and conquer.
  • Obama isn't trying to help our health problems. He's putting in place any tools that require the people to be dependent on the government.
  • Obama isn't interested in fixing bank problems. He wants to amplify them so government will have to run them.
  • Obama isn't worried about the national debt. He's interested in exploiting it to increase his individual power.
  • Obama isn't about advancing our standard of living. He only interested in advancing his control.
  • Obama isn't about advancing the private sector. He's about destroying it.
  • Obama isn't trying to save the States. He's trying to destroy them.
Until this country wakes up and calls a spade a spade, this country will continue to decline and will just be another socialist joker.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Obama Times

Obama Times Fundamentals
  • Actions are what count, not "smooth" words.
  • Definitions are fixed, not redefined.
  • Character is important.
  • Associations are important.
  • Elites answers aren't all correct.
  • Bush wasn't all bad.
  • Clinton wasn't all good.
  • The Media is Liberal.
  • Actions have consequences.
  • Government isn't the answer.
  • Government is the problem. (Excluding defense, but this government impedes defense.)
  • "Good" Community Organizers fake (spin) the answers.
  • The Constitution is still the foundation and should be enforced.
  • This Government isn't honest with the public.
  • America prefers winners over losers, right over wrong, and moral over immoral.
  • Government is broke and corrupt. One side is definitely worse.
  • These problems are clear and obvious.
Please add you own.

Another Obama First--First Political Lynching

Extra Extra Read All About It!

Barack Husein Obama establishes another first. Isn't this another great accomplishment for the First (1/2) Black President, assuming you exclude Bill Clinton.

Yesterday, This Great Administration participated in their First Lynching of a White Governor they had previously supported and worked for by preventing information of their involvement, particularly of Rahm Emanuel and others, from being used in the defense of Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Do you think this offense would have been exposed when it was if it didn't involve either Obama, or Daley? Wonder why Prosecutor requested delay, any connection? By the way, how is Tom DeLay's trial coming?

Questions remain as to why the investigation was stopped before a crime was truly committed. I'm betting it was stopped to avoid exposing the total corruption of the Illinois Community, and the Head Community Organizers of Rahm Emanuel, Daily, and Obama just for starters. What was that vote again 59 to 0? Could they all be Community Organizers?

It is also the 2nd chance for Patrick Fitzgerald to demonstrate his loyalty to the Cause as qualification for a higher Justice department position . The 1st test of his loyalty was botched after going after the Bush Administration and only getting Libby. When he was not successful, he was able to cover his actions by going after Libby for not remembering something the same as someone else remembered it. He really gets the tough cases. He must be really good or just lucky--always at the right place at the right time. What ever happened to the indictment of the Real Leaker? You know, the guy that worked for Col. Powell.

It is going to be interesting to see how this "Transparent" Obama Administration handles this affair to keep the real information from exposing them. Remember the cover up is sometimes more dangerous than the crime. But not the case here, because the Justice Department is already part of the team. It will be a cold day in hell when they try this case openly and fairly. (Note the Climate Change analogy). Maybe some of the funds from the Climate Change Slush Fund are targeted for here. It definitely meets the qualifications.

I'm betting This Master pulls it off since he holds all the cards except for one, $'s Rod Blagojevich. $'s Rod might need a Bailout because he's too big to succeed. It looks like a 2nd obvious warning to those that might double cross The Master. The First warning was when Hillary and Bill crossed The Master. Wonder if $'s Rod has had a physical lately?

This Administration is going to be more exciting than the Series '24'!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Obama calls $18B in Wall St. bonuses outrageous

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This Obama Times blog is posted to help educate those interested in the History, the Present, and the Future Times associated with Barack Hussein Obama (BHO). The object of this blog is to provide supporting background, actions, and conditions relevant to Obama's impact on the United States of America.

The postings I provide are designed to challenge the reader to think and be involved. Responses to postings will be part of the supporting information and is encouraged to gage the pulse of the reader.

To develop a foundation for understanding BHO you must be knowledgeable about Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ by Book, by audio Summary, or by detailed audio summary Oct.14,2008. (Mark Levin provides the audio analysis for those who don't have time to read the full book or would like to investigate the background before verifying it with the book or their own research).

For those of you that think the Obama Times are too wild to believe, I challenge you to look at the facts, question your sources, and review your own principles.

With the selection of BHO as President we have witnessed many actions that illustrate the vulnerability of our society as we know it, or think we know it.

The Clitizens of the United States need to realize soon that the Media presents biased facts, the Government has been corrupted by power politics, and the individual has placed unchecked confidence in both and has neglected his responsibility to know what is true.

We are now governed by "The Rules for Radicals" otherwise know as Obama Times.