Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This Obama Times blog is posted to help educate those interested in the History, the Present, and the Future Times associated with Barack Hussein Obama (BHO). The object of this blog is to provide supporting background, actions, and conditions relevant to Obama's impact on the United States of America.

The postings I provide are designed to challenge the reader to think and be involved. Responses to postings will be part of the supporting information and is encouraged to gage the pulse of the reader.

To develop a foundation for understanding BHO you must be knowledgeable about Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ by Book, by audio Summary, or by detailed audio summary Oct.14,2008. (Mark Levin provides the audio analysis for those who don't have time to read the full book or would like to investigate the background before verifying it with the book or their own research).

For those of you that think the Obama Times are too wild to believe, I challenge you to look at the facts, question your sources, and review your own principles.

With the selection of BHO as President we have witnessed many actions that illustrate the vulnerability of our society as we know it, or think we know it.

The Clitizens of the United States need to realize soon that the Media presents biased facts, the Government has been corrupted by power politics, and the individual has placed unchecked confidence in both and has neglected his responsibility to know what is true.

We are now governed by "The Rules for Radicals" otherwise know as Obama Times.

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