Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama Burns America

While all of the media is concentrating 24 hour a day coverage on the deaths of Michael Jackson or pontificating on the resignation of Sarah Palin, Obama and the Libs (both politicians and media) continue to light the match to America to see if they can burn America faster than Rome and Nazi Germany burned.

Some of the Obama led Liberal actions, or inaction's, to burn America are listed here:
  1. Pursue a policy of supporting a dictatorship over a democracy, and joining America's adversaries in Honduras.
  2. Continue a policy of appeasement and inaction rather than support those fighting for freedom and democracy in Iran.
  3. Watch North Korea test their weapons and become bolder and defy all world sanctions every day.
  4. Implement an election reward "stimulus package" that lengthens the recession and creates more lost jobs and creates the worst deficit and debt in U.S. History.
  5. Create a new tax package, "Cap and Tax bill" that will give government even more ability to control and tax every energy related action of every company, individual, or entity.
  6. Define new interpretation of The Constitution and appoint candidates that will totally ignore The Constitution.
  7. Define a program to destroy the best health care system in existence (National Health Care Reform).
  8. Create a total welfare state that rewards complacency and inaction while punishing achievers and producers.
  9. Create CZAR's to run functions that bypass Congress which is busy writing and passing legislation that don't even read. The only sections read or those that are inserted as bribes to insure their specific vote.
  10. Provide words and stage events to distract the trusting and busy citizens of the real actions, causes, and events they are supporting.
  11. Creating, politicizing, and funding organizations to subvert the voter process and disenfranchise the U.S. citizen.
  12. Unilaterally disarm America while watching the rest of the world become more dangerous and more powerful.
  13. Openly and intentionally disregard The Constitution by refusing to provide proof of legal documents supporting Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro is a Natural Born U.S. Citizen. Not only do they not provide proof, they actively prevent proof from being obtained.
  14. Politicize the U.S. Census by using the Census Bureau for data classification, acquisition, and analysis including gps coordinates.
  15. Pursue a policy of Open Borders and no official language requirements for citizenship.
  16. Negate the rule of law but rewarding and encouraging frivolous law suits that increase cost, and support judges and judgments that ignore the written law. This will continue to accelerate by passing unworthy, unjustified, and oppressive laws.
Since this list does not light a cosy fire, hopefully, it will ignite a few fire fighters to slow the destruction. And if it's God's will, we will all wake up and help restore America to it's greatness before we have to relive the pain, suffering and sacrifice of those great warriors that helped free America, England, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and Iraq.

I can't even imagine the emotions of those still living warriors witnessing the return in one lifetime the recurrence of similar governmental action that led to atrocity's they encountered, the sacrifice they gave, and scars they were forced to endure. All with the hope that no one else would ever have to experience such injustice.

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