Thursday, August 6, 2009

Constitutonal Crisis is THE Issue

Media Control (accomplished)--Almost entirely State run Media. Times.
40 Czars (accomplished)--Bypass Congress and nobody is challenging this authority.
Health Control Plan (In Process)--Health care, Health Insurance,
Energy Control Plan (In Process)--Cap & Tax and Environmental Control.
Auto Control Plan (accomplished)--GM and Chrysler Government and Union Owned and controlled.
Finance Control Plan (accomplished)--Freddie, Fanny and Banks
Money Policy (accomplished)--Tarp, etc.
Defense Policy (anti democracy)-- Honduras Position supporting Chavez against Democratic Government. Israeli Position favors Iran? "To reinstate Zelaya to power would be the wrong message to send," Ros-Lehtinen said. "It would say you can violate the law, go against the Congress and get away with it, and the U.S. will stand with you."
Anti-American Foreign Policy (in Process)-- supporting U.N., World Bank, International Law, Law of the Sea and Foreign Court. Bashing America at home and abroad instead of featuring it’s greatness.
Government Corruption (accomplished, so far)--Obama spends $1mil to conceal has records, refuses to present documents to confirm he’s a Natural Citizen, and withdraws orders that would place him in court that would require proof . Totalitarianism Lies. Computer records access for dealers filing clunker claims with the government. Snitch Site.
Government Campaign Finance (accomplished)--Designated Governmental funding for Biased Political Organizations--Unions, Acorn, and earmarks.
Control Census Data (accomplished)--Controlled by White House (Rahm Emanuel).
Government Data Mining (accomplished)--supporting propaganda that isn’t checked by complicit media and data that can be used for intimidation. Hires Dirt Digger (Shauna Daly) as White House counsel research director). Snitch Site.

"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism." p.10 Rules for Radicals

This is a Marxist Regime headed by Obama, Pelosi, Reid. Frank, Waxman, Dodd, Kennedy, 40+ CZARS, etc. Anyone can look at the personnel, the policies, and the actions and clearly see the evidence. We must expose and counter these Marxist policies and tactics and develop tactics and actions to stop this Marxist agenda that is not even being challenged. We are playing baseball without a bat when we’re up to bat, and football with 12 on their side and 8 on ours side heading to 6 if we don’t get aggressive. They fight dirty and outright lie, while we stand by our principles. The good may eventually win, but at what cost?

I’m reminded of the cost of freedom by a living Uncle that was a POW in Germany and Poland. He was forced to march 300 miles in two months in the middle of winter, and saw their numbers drop from 1500 to 300. They saw atrocities that will be repeated if this coup isn’t checked soon. Can you imagine what these brave citizen warriors are feeling? They can see all the evils of Marxist Leaders they fought against being recreated in only one Lifetime, primarily under the Pelosi/Obama reign.

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