Tuesday, December 8, 2009

American Thinker: Tiger, Barack, and the Law of Transitivity

American Thinker: Tiger, Barack, and the Law of Transitivity
And while it doesn't matter if another athlete is an adulterer, it matters a lot if the president is revealed to be an inexperienced, excessively ideological, and weak man who is naïve about the world and uncomfortable exercising American power during a time of war. It matters if nothing in his training would have equipped the president to understand what it takes to stimulate job growth, or ameliorate a recession, or to end an overseas conflict successfully. It matters that he is uninterested in the science behind global warming -- and wishes to use the issue to amass power and reorder society. It matters that he has no interest in the construction of policy.

Ultimately, Woods is an exceptional golfer with a character problem. Barack Obama, by contrast, is not an exceptional, or even particularly competent, leader. But because so many politicians, interest groups and factions have an interest in his continued presence, no one is ready to reveal the man behind the curtain just yet.
That just about sums it up.

The only question left is, will the public see the same exposure of The Media, The Democratic Machine and their Misinformed and Misrepresented "Leader" in time to avoid the total destruction of America?

There are many obvious signs evident in the world today, but is "The Public" too misinformed and trusting to believe there is that much evil in absolute control of our so called government of the people, by the people, and for the people?

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