Friday, March 18, 2011

American Thinker Blog: Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time

American Thinker Blog: Democratic Socialists of America reach their goal ahead of time
Kerem Oner
In 1997 DSA goals to attain by 2017 included:

A U.S. President from the Progressive Caucus, a 50 member socialist caucus in Congress, successful programs of the likes of universal health care, progressive taxation, social provision and campaign finance reform.

Little could they have known that almost a decade before their deadline, they would have practically achieved every one of their stated goals.

Their not-so-secret plan to achieve these goals was to take over the Democrat party, which they accomplished as apparent from the current crop of Democrats and the demise of the conservative, true "blue dogs" like former Democrat Senator Zell Miller (GA), whose book 'A National Party No More' is a must read for every American who cares to inform themselves about the transformation of the Democrat party. The CPUSA also joined the DSA in this goal as far back as the 1970s and admits that their members run for political office under the banner of the Democrat party.

In fact, the CPC (Congressional Progressive Caucus), with its 83 declared members, openly espouse the principles of socialism and publicly had signed onto the agenda of the Democratic Socialists of America. It was organized by the DSA per DSA's own admission. Like Obama with his seemingly multitudinous radical associations, the current estimated number of Democrats who were active in DSA (or had very close associations with likes of DSA or CPUSA), is well above their 1997 goal of 50 congressional members.

As our radical-in-chief likes to say, this is a teachable moment for those of us who still cherish the principles our great constitutional republic was founded upon.
But what evidence do you have?

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