Thursday, April 7, 2011

American Thinker: Shut It Down!

American Thinker: Shut It Down!
To put it lightly, Obama is unsustainable. Democrats are unsustainable. And only Republicans have the power to do something about it.

Shut it down, and shut it down now!

Don't start it up again until you have a balanced budget approved and signed by the president, who makes a drunken sailor look like a penny-pincher.

At this late date, the people of this nation are on an austerity program no matter what happens in D.C. But unless they force Republicans to put the feds on an austerity program now, the people will be all alone in their austerity, and the feds will drive this nation into a financial disaster that the nation cannot survive.

It may be too late for fiscal sanity already, but here's where we are. We can't change the past, and our only hope of altering the future is by acting today.

The decision is easy. If we refuse to face the music today, there will soon be no decision to make.
Now this guy makes sense. Shut It Down. Start with EPA, Homeland Security (didn't have this bureaucracy before 9/11), etc. There are so many Federal Organizations that don't do anything but increase their on self interest.

Shut It Down! Especially Obama and the other Socialist Libs.

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