Friday, September 2, 2011

The Gun Walker Cover Up Unravels - HUMAN EVENTS

The Gun Walker Cover Up Unravels - HUMAN EVENTS

The L.A. Times has uncovered other links between the Gun Walker debacle and the White House, and in this case, the name of Operation Fast and Furious was invoked:

Newly obtained emails show that the White House was better informed about a failed gun-tracking operation on the border with Mexico than was previously known.

Three White House national security officials were given some details about the operation, dubbed Fast and Furious. The operation allowed firearms to be illegally purchased, with the goal of tracking them to Mexican drug cartels. But the effort went out of control after agents lost track of many of the weapons.

The supervisor of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation in Phoenix specifically mentioned Fast and Furious in at least one email to a White House national security official, and two other White House colleagues were briefed on reports from the supervisor, according to White House emails and a senior administration official.

Off-the-record butt-covering was provided by nameless “senior administration officials,” who claim the emails “did not prove that anyone in the White House was aware of the covert ‘investigative tactics’ of the operation.” It’s always amazing to learn how much the Administration that claims superior wisdom and knowledge over every aspect of the American economy claims it doesn’t know.

Surly you can trust a Regime that is headed by someone with no documented Birth Certificate, someone who has an invalid Social Security Number, and someone who claims the office of the President while knowing his father was never a Citizen of The United States.

If you trust this Regime and it's Injustice Department regarding what they say about Operation Fast and Furious then you're likely to continue to be taken for all your worth--Literally!

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