Monday, March 5, 2012

Obama leaves Iraq to Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in Iraq mounts comeback - Washington Times

Has Obama/Soetoro presented Iran the perfect setup?

1. Dilute and limit the Iraqi Defense.
2. Remove established US defense.
3. Allow Al Qaeda/Iran to take over Iraq much like they did Afghanistan when the Russians and US left.
4. Allow Al Qaeda/Iran to control the "democratic" government.
5. Establish buffer zone for Iran between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
6. Allow Iran to provide funding and supplies.
7. Allow Al Qaeda to gain control of major oil resources for funding operations.
8. Burn a few Koran's and sacrifice a few soldiers to divert attention from Iraq to Afghanistan.
9. Selectively create chaos in Syria, Egypt, etc. disguised as democracy (Arab Spring), but not in Iran.
10. Stall and compromise with Iran over Nuclear Power to give Al Qaeda and Iran more time to establish their foothold in Iraq and develop Nuclear Weapons.

If you were Al Qaeda, wouldn't you rather have these conditions in Iraq than the ones they had in Afghanistan?

I ask you again, which side is Obama/Soetoro on?

Why is Obama/Soetoro cutting our defenses at this time?
Why is Obama/Soetoro raising our energy prices?
Why is Obama/Soetoro destroying our enterprises? Medical, Business, Insurance, Employment, etc.
Why is Obama/Soetoro devaluing the Dollar?
Why is Obama/Soetoro dividing our country?
Why is Obama/Soetoro increasing "government" control over States, agencies, Courts, etc.?

Tell me, how is any of this good for the USA?

Don't tell me any of the above are Bushes fault.

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