Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Articles: Liberalism Drives Men to Madness

Articles: Liberalism Drives Men to Madness
It should come as no surprise that the rise in mass killing sprees in America is in direct proportion to the rise in liberalism in American politics.
The old America was about hope.  Kids were taught that they could do anything, be anything.  And though America has never been nor will ever be perfect, she has always found a way to allow everybody to thrive.  All it took was a person willing to capture the American spirit, and have dogged determination to pursue the American Dream.
Over the years, liberalism has destroyed that spirit.  Today, liberalism offers an easy answer to everything, and government is that answer.  Government will help you through all crises, even those it creates.  Government should educate you, feed you, and make sure you have everything except the confidence to do for yourself -- which is why government promises what even God doesn't.  Government promises you deliverance from everything, including yourself.
Such is the definition of liberalism, which always circles back to hopelessness and despair.  What happens when somebody gets that free education and can't find a job?  What happens when that person who got that government-mandated mortgage loses his home?  What happens when unemployment insurance runs out, when there is no health care available, when there is no food on the table?
These were the same problems many Americans faced in the past. If you dropped out of school, so be it.  My grandfather had to leave school in the 6th grade, because his family of 19 brothers and sisters needed him to work.  He died well into his 80s a happy man, educated with "common sense," and remarkably farther along in life than his parents.
These are examples of the "Good Obama Times."  If he fools the voter and steals the next election too, you can count on "More Good Obama Times."

Liberals don't inspire you to improve.  Instead, they level the field by bringing everyone down to their lowest level.

These Wizards of Smart don't believe in God but believe they are god.

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