Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Obama Deception and the Threats to America

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube

This is a 2 hour video that addresses the power behind Obama, and other previous Presidents.
It is obvious that Obama, and previous Presidents, are just puppets.
The Key Players are behind the scene.

The question is, Who are these Players?

This video presents a take on some of these Key Players.

To me, these Players are more dangerous than Obama, and other government officials, which are only their Stooges selling a bill of goods to a gullible, trusting, and faithful group of people.  They create new "laws" and manipulate the media on a daily basis. Their lies and deceit are so evident that their corrupt and lawless actions are becoming obvious to anyone with an open mind.

This problem isn't new, but it is advancing at an unprecedented pace that will reach a day of reckoning in the near future.   It will occur when they successfully indoctrinate the next generation that it is Politically Correct to be Anti-American.

God Bless America

Thanks to Rita for sending video link.



