Monday, June 30, 2014

Hussein O. must be just plain Ignorant!

CURL: This is an actual quote from President Obama — really - Washington Times

If He isn't, then the American people must be if they believe this nonsense.

Time to Impeach Hussein Obama.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

New York Post ad exposes Obama’s ‘real father’

New York Post ad exposes Obama’s ‘real father’

Why Who the Enemy is, is Relevant!

Heritage Foundation Panelist on Radical Islam | MRCTV

Thanks to Bill for sending this link.

How to Loose a War-Arrest the Enemy (or Allies)

Benghazi suspect, now on U.S. soil and in federal custody, could face judge Saturday | Fox News

In Hussein's case, he may be just protecting his allies.

Thad Cochran Should Concede to Salvage the Republican Party

Chris McDaniel Not Conceding After 1K+ Illegal Votes Found in One County
If Cochran doesn't concede Rino's join Dems for Liberal Victory in Senate.
Haley Barbour--Boss Hog and member of “Decepticons”?

Megyn Kelly Questions Bill Ayers

Megyn Kelly | The Kelly File | Fox News

Bill Ayers on Kelly File June 27.

Ayers Interview airs Monday June 30.

Maybe the press will finally open the door on Obama Corruption.

McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls

BREAKING: McDaniel Supporters Barred From Reviewing Voter Rolls in Nine Mississippi Counties | The Gateway Pundit

Just another example of SElections trumping elections in Lawless Obama Times.

It could get more prevalent now that the Rino's have openly joined the Dems SElecting Libs.

God bless America.

Can Judge Sullivan Bring Justice Back to America?

Meet Judge Sullivan, Who Once Sicced a Special Prosecutor On the DOJ | New York Observer

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Benghazi Documents Point to White House Talking Points

Judicial Watch: Benghazi Documents Point to White House on Misleading Talking Points | Judicial Watch

Did you know that David Rhodes', the president of CBS News, brother is Ben Rhodes who is the Regime's National Security Adviser?

Does CBS report directly to the White House, or just indirectly?

Is World War IV the Solution, or Just the Result?

Choosing Sides for World War IV

As old saying from Top Gun goes, "It's looking good so far!"

Welcome to the Executive Dictatorship

Welcome to the Executive Dictatorship | CNS News
by Ben Shapiro
Ben's Conclusion:
And no one will stop the executive branch. Impeachment will not solve the problem of a 3 million-strong regulatory branch in which accountability is a fantasy. The legislature has no interest in stopping the growth of the executive, given that legislators seek re-election by avoiding responsibility, and granting more power to the executive avoids such responsibility. And the judiciary seems unwilling to hem in the executive branch at all, given its decisions on the Environmental Protection Agency and Obamacare.

So what's left? An elected tyranny in which the whims of the president and all of his men decide the fate of millions. The founders would have fought such a government with every fiber of their being — and, in fact, they did fight such a government. The question now is whether state governments, elected officials and the people themselves will be willing to take the measures necessary to do the same.
That just about sums it up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Violence Iraq | Video |

Violence Iraq | Video |

This panel discussion provides a view on Iraq Violence beyond standard TV coverage.

Just Impeach the Corrupt Officials

No Special Counsel for the IRS Scandal—Just Impeach the Corrupt Officials | National Review Online

Impeachment is Congress only means of enforcement in this Corrupt Dictatorship.

The Impeachment task is gigantic as it would need to cover Hussein, Holder, some Judges, Heads of Special Agencies, and most Dems in Congress especially Harry Reid.

Boehner needs to be included if he doesn't start Impeachment proceedings soon.

What a Task!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Real Vacuum is U.S. Foreign Policy

Our Vacuous Foreign Policy | National Review Online

The Jihadists have a Foreign Policy, The U.S. under Hussein, rule does not.

Unless Husein's is the same as the Jihadists.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

All you need to vote against Thad Cochran

John McCain to stump for Thad Cochran - Washington Times

Janet McCabe to Richard Windsor--another email Wizzard?

Obama EPA nominee has troubled transparency record | The Daily Caller

EPA is just another Hussein O lackey.

Seized Benghazi suspect worked for U.S.?

Shocker: Seized Benghazi suspect worked for U.S.

He must have worked for U.S. kinda like Hussein O does.

Ted Cruz 2016 is the Real Deal

DEACE: The GOP Establishment ‘endorses’ Ted Cruz 2016 - Washington Times 

Ted Cruz is fantastic.  No one in Washington has displayed  his talent, wisdom, media savvy, speaking ability, and common sense.

Unlike the current White House Resident, he has pro American principles too.

Ted Cruz is the Real Deal.

If you don't believe me, just watch and listen to him in person, like I have on multiple occasions.

Obama's actions: Treason?

Obama's questionable actions: Many are using the word 'treason' - Dallas etiquette |

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dick and Liz Cheney accuse Obama of ‘betraying’ U.S. freedom

Dick and Liz Cheney accuse Obama of ‘betraying’ U.S. freedom - Yahoo News

My money is on the Cheney's.

It isn't even a close call on this one.

▶ Sen. Ted Cruz--Just Cruzin with Erin Burnett

▶ Sen. Ted Cruz on OutFront with Erin Burnett - YouTube

Not likely she will have Ted back.

Ted doesn't say what "The Media" and Washington wants to hear.

He says what America wants to hear.

The Media can't handle the truth when it exposes the Libs.

Cruz is Right: Dems Won't Recognize America's Enemy

Cruz: Can't Defeat 'Radical Islamic Terrorism' If You Won't Utter Those Words | CNS News

Makes you wonder which side Dems are really on!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

US adds 3 senior Haqqani Network leaders to terrorism list

US adds 3 senior Haqqani Network leaders to terrorism list - The Long War Journal

Soros Hussein O's Plan to Turn Texas Red and Blue

In Texas' Rio Grande Valley, a seemingly endless surge of immigrants - Los Angeles Times

Notice it isn't Red White and Blue.

It's Red with debt and Blue with Illegals and drugs.

Looks like Soros is still pulling The Puppet's strings.

When a Man Dislikes His Country (Full Song)

When a Man Dislikes His Country (Full Song) - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Oliver North on Mark Levin with Candid Interview

The Mark Levin Show - Play Now

Interview starts at 96 min into program.  You can slide pointer to 96 to bypass earlier program.

It's scarey, but you need to hear what Oliver North has to say about Iraq.

Is Regime really negotiating directly with Iran?

What does this mean for Israel? 

"What Difference Does It Make?" to HillRWe?

Hussein O the Ruler in PA

Obama orders striking employees back to work - Washington Times

Executive Order rules, again.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hussein Obama's 'All Options' Include Surrender

Blue State Blues: Obama's 'All Options' Include Surrender

Surrender is Hussein O's preferred foreign policy action so far.

5 Times Hussein Abandoned US Allies

5 Times Obama Abandoned US Allies

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Which side is this guy on?

ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is BACK!

ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Released By Obama from Camp Bucca in 2009 | The Gateway Pundit

Guess he needed some reinforcements to be able to manage IRAQ, since their leader Hussein O sent them 5 additional terrorist for no real reason.

Good thing the 5 terrorist aren't a threat to US per former Sec of State HillRWe--the SElected candidate to act like Hussein Obama in the future while she attempts to be worse than Hussein.

Palin-- Congress Lacks Guts to Impeach 'Tyrant' Obama

Palin on Border Crisis: Congress Lacks Guts to Impeach 'Tyrant' Obama over Lawlessness

Congress must find the Guts to Impeach "Tyrant" Hussein Obama!  NOW!

Hussein O's IRS says it lost key Lerner emails

IRS says it lost key Lerner emails - Washington Times

How convenient for the Libs.  They have been Hussein O trained.  Just lie.

Congress won't do anything about it, except maybe hold a hearing.

Can you just imagine the IRS controlling your Health Care with the same Hussein O philosophy?

The VA scandal will look like child's play with Hussein O's IRS in control.

I'll bet the Tea Party constituents, the Conservatives, and American Patriots are going to have a severe case of the Hussein O IRS Flu. 

Prosecute Hussein Obama--One Option to Impeachment

Prosecute the President | FrontPage Magazine

America is at risk.  A solution must be found soon.

How Hussein O SElections replace Elections

Obama IRS Sent 1.1 Million Page Database of Private Info to FBI Before 2010 Elections | The Gateway Pundit

Iraq crisis: Another Success for Hussein Obama

Iraq crisis: Baghdad prepares for the worst as Islamist militants vow to capture the capital - Middle East - World - The Independent

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Congressman, Delegate, Representative, Senator, or other Government Official:
Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama may be the only solution left to save America.
The Foundation for Impeachment comes from Faithless Execution by Andrew G. McCarthy pages 5 -7 :
Nor is there reciprocity any longer in our separation of powers.  While the executive now legislates and rules, the other branches cannot enforce their own statues and decisions.  The imperial presidency has become the administrative state, the legacy of progressive fondness for a metastasizing government whose purportedly expert, apolitical bureaucracies supplant popular sovereignty. ...
Today, well beyond the New Deal and the Great Society, the administrative state is socializing health care, micromanaging industry, dictating education standards, taking over automotive and insurance giants, underwriting mortgages and student loans, borrowing trillions of dollars from itself...
But impeachment is not about what the law allows.  Impeachment is a matter of political will.
Political Will is what this letter is about.
Since Obama has routinely ignored The Constitution and The Rule of Law, including Congressional Legislation, and has chosen to selectively enforce any law, and he and the Senate are stacking the Courts with like minded judges, he has demonstrated that he controls all the means of enforcement both in power and in the courts.

Therefore the only power left outside the control of an unchecked unethical Ruler is his impeachment and the power of the purse, assuming you had the will and power to control the purse.

Action to save America, both National and International is up to you:
1.  If you don't recognize the problem, you can't address it? 
2.  If you won't identify what is at stake, who will?
3.  How will voters and the public ever gain the Political Will if you don't identify the violations and explain the options to correct them?

Impeachment just might be the Founders only way for Congress to identify the violations of an Imperial presidency.  How can you expect a jury to rule without presenting the case?  How can you create Political Will without presenting the case?  How can the Senate be held accountable if they aren't presented a case?

The list of violations is so long, but to list a few:  Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Fort Hood, IRS, NSA, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Healthcare, Border Security and Immigration, Energy, HHS, EPA, National Debt, Forged Documents, Returning Terrorist to War before conflict ends, etc.

It is time for your action before it's too late, before you too are are guilty of Treason.
What is your solution to an Imperial Presidency if you have a better solution?

Notice of Treason submitted to the US District court

notice of Treason, motion to expedite submitted to the US District court | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire






this case plaintiff provided the court with evidence that the SSA has
SS-5, Social Security application of  Harry (Harrison) Bounel, which SSA
wrongfully did not release claiming privacy, even though Bounel was
born in 1890 and his documents are considered to be documents of
extremely aged individual and do not fall under privacy exemption per
120 year rule. Plaintiff also provided this court with sworn affidavit
of professional debt collector and researcher, which showed that Bounel
had SSN xxx-xx-4425, which was later used by Barack Obama. Taitz also
provided this court with some 150 pages of sworn affidavits of top law
enforcement officials and  government records showing that Obama was a
citizen of Indonesia, born in Kenya who used not only a stolen SSN of
Harry Bounel, but also all fabricated ID. (SAC and exhibits)....

2012--Hussein O Surrenders in Iraq

Obama Surrenders in Iraq

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hussein O flooding America with Illegals

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’ 

Hussein O turning over Iraq to Militants

Militants Sweeping Toward Baghdad -

The Obama Impeachment Bible

The Obama Impeachment Bible | The American Spectator

It's time for Impeachment!

Cruz: 'The humanitarian crisis that comes from failing to secure our border'

Cruz: 'The humanitarian crisis that comes from failing to secure our border is staggering.' | Human Events

Come on folks, Cruz can use some help taking on all of the Regime Corruption.

Ben Carson--Help the Media Save Themselves

Help the Media Save Themselves | National Review Online
Ben Carson
It is encouraging that many people are seeing the light and ignoring the
intellectually bankrupt assertions of these agents of resentment. We
should teach our children and everyone in our spheres of influence to
recognize these disgusting and dishonest techniques and reject them. As
was the case on the third-grade playground in elementary school, it is
best to ignore the name-callers and proceed with more important
Carson really is amazing.  He gives me confidence in what I believe.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) talks about Rep. Eric Cantor's loss

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) talks about Rep. Eric Cantor's loss (video) - Washington Times

Cruz gets it.  Politicians aren't listening to people.

The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat?

The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat

Secretary Hagel Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange

Secretary Hagel Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange | Video |

Disobeying the Law and Lying to Congress has become Stand Operating Procedure in the Hussein Lying Dynasty.

You can't trust anything they say, but you can trust them to do what is bad for America.

They make the "Law" as they choose.

Congress can do nothing until they recognize that this is the case.

This Corrupt Dynasty has to be removed for America to survive.

The danger of choosing a symbol to be president

SOWELL: The danger of choosing a symbol to be president - Washington Times

Political Correctness--Standard Operating Procedure to take over America. 

Orly Taitz for California Attorney General

I now have 116,729 votes. There are still some 800,000 uncounted mailed-in ballots. As a comparison, a challenger who unseated Cantor, did it with 35,000 votes. Vote count in Ca will continue until July 4th | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The story about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

Michelle Malkin | » Exclusive: The story you haven’t yet heard about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

Interesting read.  Hussein and Hegel must not have had access to such important data.

This Regime acts Anti-American in a lot of ways.

It is becoming clear they are not on our side.

They will continue until someone stands up to them and actually confronts their actions.

Who, or What, will it be? 

Obama 'Committed to Escalating' Lawlessness

Exclusive–Sen. Jeff Sessions: Obama 'Committed to Escalating' Lawlessness at Border

This article is about the Border, but Hussein specializes in lawlessness in general.

Rules of Radicals?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Official: Bergdhal Details Don't Add Up

Official: Bergdhal Details Don't Add Up | Washington Free Beacon

Obama admin. just funded terror network 'for the next ten years'

Top intelligence official claims: Obama admin. just funded terror network 'for the next ten years' - Washington Times

Looks like Hussein was on the winning side of this exchange if this deal really funded the terrorist for 10 years. 

Maybe the terrorist needed money to finance the Libs next Presidential Campaign.  Looks like it worked for them in 2008.

Ted Cruz is a conquering hero

Ted Cruz returns to the Texas Republican convention a conquering hero - The Washington Post

Considering this analysis came from the Regime's Washington Post it's not that bad.

Sum it up in one sentence: 
As for Cruz, he opened his convention speech with one of his favorite lines: “I spent all week in Washington, D.C., and it is great to be back in America.”

Bolton: Children Should Not Be ‘In Charge of Foreign Policy’

Bolton: Children Should Not Be ‘In Charge of Foreign Policy’ | CNS News

Bolton identifies Regime's childish "foreign policy."

My concern is that it isn't accidental.

I think we have a Baboon in the Monkey Cage!

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama's Actions 'Demand Impeachment'

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama's Actions 'Demand Impeachment' | The Daily Caller

Why hasn't Hussein been IMPEACHED?

Andy McCarthy--Does Obama’s End Justify His Means?

Does Obama’s End Justify His Means? | The Daily Caller

Republicans and other Patriots should hear this video.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Cruz Crew Member from 2014 Texas Republican Convention

Cruz not only crushed competition at Texas Convention, Cruz is THE Key to Republican Party Success Nationwide.

Under his inspiration, Texas will win up and down the ticket in Texas.

Republicans can win Nationwide if the Old Establishment wakes up to the fact that Cruz is the way.

If you like a winner with principle, join the Cruz Crew.

I'm a Cruzer.

Ted Cruz crushes competition in straw poll - Katie Glueck -

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why Obama is no longer president

Why Obama is no longer president

He never was a Legal president.

I think he was crowned Precedent Obama!

The People Vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration: Ben Shapiro

The People Vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration: Ben Shapiro: 9781476765136: Books

This title will be released on June 10, 2014. 

Exclusive: The Story You Haven't Yet Heard About Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion

Exclusive: The Story You Haven't Yet Heard About Bowe Bergdahl's Desertion | CNS News

It is going to be interesting to watch how the White House Resident and his lackeys spin this event.

I still ask, "Which side is BHO really on?"

Past time to Impeach and charge with Treason.

How Barack Hussein Obama Ends Wars

Center for Security Policy | How Barack Obama Ends Wars

By surrendering and joining the enemy BHO thinks he is ending a war, but that doesn't really end the war.  It also guarantees that it will cost more Americans to win.

The only way BHO ends a war is if America is ultimately defeated.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

White House Overrode Internal Objections to Taliban Prisoner Release

White House Overrode Internal Objections to Taliban Prisoner Release | TIME

Everyone  knows this Regime has no credibility.

Obama Has Become A Monarch Or An Emperor

Rubio: Obama 'Believes He's Become A Monarch Or An Emperor' | The Daily Caller


Cruz-Releasing Violent Terrorists isn't the way to Deal With Terrorists

Ted Cruz: ‘I Do Not Think the Way to Deal With Terrorists is Through Releasing Other Violent Terrorists’

Only in Obama Times could someone support such action.

The Taliban Swap and 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors'

The Taliban Swap and 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' | National Review Online

Which of the two do you think is the real traitor, Hussein Obama or Bergdahl?

Father of Bergdahl Claims the White House for Islam

Father of Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Claims the White House for Islam » Eagle Rising
“in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful”
In your face, take that America.

Hussein probably said the same, but it probably was edited by the Media.

Andrew C. McCarthy-Case to Impeach Obama

Mark Levin interviews Andrew C. McCarthy on his book "Faithless Execution" (PART 1 of 2) - YouTube

Great Interview.

Part 2

Monday, June 2, 2014

Taliban prisoner swap was ILLEGAL and should lead to Obama's IMPEACHMENT

Taliban prisoner swap was ILLEGAL and could lead to Obama's IMPEACHMENT | Mail Online

Past time for Impeachment.

Does Obama’s End Justify His Means?

Does Obama’s End Justify His Means? | The Daily Caller

Andy McCarthy in a new book, “Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment.”

“Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment”2

Prosecutor On Benghazi: Betrayed People Who Put Lives On The Line | The Daily Caller

“Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment”

Obama knows he can ignore scandal with impunity | New York Post

Levin calls a Spade a Spade!

OUCH: This Guy Has Finally Had Enough. Watch Obama Get Destroyed On TV.

Snowden, Brian Williams: Staged Amateur Night for the Suckers Snowden, Brian Williams: Staged Amateur Night for the Suckers

Or, "Journalism" today?  Didn't they call this propaganda?

Cruz on Bergdahl Deal

Ted Cruz on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Deal: How Many Soldiers Lost Their Lives?

Cruz educates "Media" too.

I want to know if Hussein O was just trying to free his Comrades.

The bizarre tale of America’s last known POW

The bizarre tale of America’s last known POW | New York Post

Wonder where Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl stands now, and if Hussein got what he wanted in this trade?

He did free 5 of his Comrades.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cruz: GOP can empower grassroots by ditching consultants

Cruz: GOP can empower grassroots by ditching consultants, 'Soviet-style campaigns' - Washington Times

Cruz would be good if you like Character, Principle, Intelligence and Competence.

However, that wouldn't recruit many Democrats.