Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Secretary Hagel Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange

Secretary Hagel Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange | Video |

Disobeying the Law and Lying to Congress has become Stand Operating Procedure in the Hussein Lying Dynasty.

You can't trust anything they say, but you can trust them to do what is bad for America.

They make the "Law" as they choose.

Congress can do nothing until they recognize that this is the case.

This Corrupt Dynasty has to be removed for America to survive.


  1. Hagel will have to be replaced by a better lier to be qualified for the Obama Regime.

  2. Someone needs to remind Hagel about Benghazi. He kept saying that we don't leave service members behind. Maybe he was asleep too.
    Or, maybe he was talking about not leaving America's enemy behind.
