Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rick Perry Indictment is SElection in Progress

Rick Perry indicted for abusing power with veto threat | New York Post

Unlike the Repubs, the Dems don't miss a chance for SElections.

This occupies the media and distracts from Dems failed "Foreign Policy."

It complicates the SElection of legitimate/legal candidates for President.

It creates additional burdens for Repubs running for office in Texas especially Attorney General Abbott.

The Dems control elections with SElections!

The Repubs can't see any evil, can't hear any evil, and ignore the truth.

Obama either has no foreign policy, or he is a traitor supporting the enemy.

Obama has forged birth certificate, Social Security Number, and forged Selective Service Number , lies about Benghazi, uses IRS, EPA, HLS, HHS, FDA, and Justice Department for intimidation.

Repubs are waiting for the Dems to admit their wrongs.  But Dems are like ISIS or ISIL they are always right in their mind even though they are evil and know it's wrong.

Repubs are naive and think Good will triumph over Evil, but they forget there is a COST.

Ultimately Repus have to realize the Evil Dems that confronts them and The World, but they need to realize they will have to confront it with action, not words.

Obama is good at saying words to distract from the Dems Evil actions.

Repubs aren't good at that either.  Maybe their weakness is too much trust in mankind and faith?

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