Sunday, October 19, 2014

Israel Perspective

The following was sent by Tom P. for you to consider:
Woke up this morning with the thought on my mind about how insensitive Americans are to the global threat from the Arab/Muslim world.  Decided to try and put this issue into a geographical scale for you per the attached files.

Try to imagine a world like the Israelis live in day-to-day; surrounded by some of the richest nations in the world that are dedicated to the destruction of the Israeli state.

Imagine that many people within your own borders and almost all the people in the countries that surround you want you OFF THE PLANET PERMANENTLY.

Imagine that you have only one real nation-friend in the whole world, the USA (that is, up until the last couple of presidential elections).

Think about what kind of life you would have if almost everyone outside the red border for your particular area in the US wanted you dead before tomorrow morning using any means possible.

Think about how you would go about securing a border for a plot of land that is only as wide as a typical county in a US state.

Think about what it must be like to rub shoulders every day with people that you can never be sure don’t want to kill you on the spot.

Imagine what it is like just to try and stay alive every day under these circumstances.

If you think the Arab/Muslim world wouldn’t do the same thing to America if they could, think again.

WAKE UP…………………………………

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