Friday, July 20, 2012

Obama eligibility lawsuit reaches Supreme Court

Obama eligibility lawsuit reaches Supreme Court

What eligibility lawsuit(s), the "Media" asks?

After last Supreme Court ruling, the Supreme Court is no longer "Supreme."

You can expect another "Supreme-less" ruling on this case, too.

"Americans" will no longer need valid birth certificate (what about passports )? Forged ones are good enough to be president.

Social Security Numbers are just numbers.  No longer needed to be in government data base to be president.

Courts don't establish candidate credibility, parties do, at least in Texas.

A presidential candidate isn't a candidate until after a convention, and you can't get standing to challenge after convention, apparently.

It's ok to omit having multiple names for a law license in Illinois, but you only have to declare one.

I'm betting Justice Roberts punts on this ruling too.  He will go down in history as "The Justice that destroyed The Supreme Court and led to the destruction of The Constitution, too.

Heil Obama (or Soetoro)!!!



