Sunday, May 27, 2012

In Texas Elections, Sworn Statements Trump Fraud

 From:     Elections Internet
    Subject:     RE: Obama Eligibility (sp)
    Date:     May 24, 2012 8:31:36 AM CDT
    To:     Redacted, Elections Internet

Dear Mr. Redacted:

Thank you for your email. All party candidates including candidates for the presidential primary attest to their eligibility to run for the office by filing sworn statements as part of the application process.  These statements are filed with the political party chairs who ultimately certify the candidates for placement on the ballot.  You may wish to direct your question to the political parties. Please note that Texas law regarding a party candidate's entitlement to be place on the ballot may be found at

We appreciate your passion and focus on these issues. Please know that the input of all we serve is valued as we work to administer elections in Texas.


Elections Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Redacted
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:24 PM
To: Elections Internet
Subject: Obama Eligibility (sp)

Sec. of State Hope Andrade:

Could you conduct an immediate investigation of elections fraud and verify Obama's ID, or remove him from the Texas ballot due to fraud and his use of forged identification papers(?)  I anticipate your response within the next 14 days.

The following list of Affidavits and Transcripts are available in other forms at your request.   I am of the understanding you already have them, but the links are provided below:

Transcript Farrar:

Transcript and affidavit Sheriff Arpaio:

affidavit Chito Papa Birth Certificate:

Affidavit Chito Papa Obama's CT SSN:

Affidavit Linda Jordan Obama's SSN:


Affidavit of John Sampson 03.08.2010:

Affidavit Susan Daniels final:

Affidavit of Chris Strunk:

It is my understanding you could be named as additional defendants in a racketeering case if he is not removed or fully verified prior to the next election.


  1. Does Obama or Soetoro meet the first requirement?

    Sec. 192.031. PARTY CANDIDATE'S ENTITLEMENT TO PLACE ON BALLOT. (a) A political party is entitled to have the names of its nominees for president and vice-president of the United States placed on the ballot in a presidential general election if:

    (1) the nominees possess the qualifications for those offices prescribed by federal law;

  2. My response to the e-mail from the Secretary of State of AZ, Ken Bennett

    Posted on | May 24, 2012 | 51 Comments

    11:49 AM (1 minute ago)

    to Ken, netty, Jeff, apuzzo, Barbara, Barry, Billy, birtherreport, Bob, Brad, Brian, burges, Bruce, Carl, Catherine, Charles, Chris, colony14, Cort, crossroadswith., davesimpson47, DAVID, David, Dean, Debbie

    Dear Mr. Benett,

    I just received your e-mail sent to my supporter, Netty. My name is Orly Taitz. I am an attorney, who is challenging Barack Obama in several states and came very close to removing him from the ballot in the state of GA during primary, I will renew my challenge in the general election there and I brought challenges in other states. In MS and IN the legal challenges include Secretaries of States. I am placing you on notice of flagrant forgery in Barack Obama’s birth certificate, selective service certificate and his fraudulent use of CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him according to e-verify.

    As a Secretary of state you are in charge of assuring lawful elections, free of fraud. If, while possessing this knowledge of fraud and forgery , you allow Mr. Obama on the ballot, you are at the very minimum violating your fiduciary duty as a Secretary of State in failing to assure lawful elections, at the maximum you are criminally complicit.

    If someone in the city hall would be complicit with a forger, who claimed that your house is actually his house, would you be satisfied in having the same corrupt bureaucrat sending you a note, saying that he has a deed somewhere saying that your house belongs to the forger? Would you just move out of your house and give the keys to the criminal? Of course not. You would consider that to be a complete idiocy. You would demand the crook at the city hall to show the original deed, and if he does not provide an original deed, you would sue him together with the forger in RICO, as it would be racketeering and collusion between the forger and a paid governmental employee. The same thing is going on here. We have a criminal, Barack Hussein Obama, unlawfully occupying the White House and attempting to get on the ballot and extend his tenure for 4 more years, while using a forged birth certificate, forged selective service certificate and a stolen Social Security number. Two detectives from Maricopa County sheriffs department flew to HI, appeared in the Health Department, demanded to see the original birth certificate and were denied access. Coupled with evidence of forgery in the alleged copy, this provides for a probable cause to believe that what they have, is the same computer generated forgery, not a genuine birth certificate, created in 1961. Every Secretary of State has fraud investigators. I am sure you have one as well. In light of all of the above it is your fiduciary duty to send a fraud investigator and a forensic document expert to the Health Department of HI and demand access to the alleged original document for expert examination.

    If you do not do that in light of all the evidence, you are violating your fiduciary duty at best or complicit at worst.

    I trust that you will not breach your fiduciary duty and will send a fraud investigator and a forensic document expert to HI.


    Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ
