Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joel Gilbert Discusses Dreams from My Real Father | Suite101.com

Joel Gilbert Discusses Dreams from My Real Father | Suite101.com
 “Admittedly, at age 18, Obama arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. Dreams from My Real Father presents the case that Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA organizer and propagandist, was Obama’s real father, both biological and ideological, and indoctrinated Obama with a political foundation in Marxism and an anti-White world view. This is a known phenomenon in the radical left, referred to as ‘Red Diaper Babies’ or ‘hand-me-down Marxism.’”
After watching this video today, it verified my analysis and confirmed areas that I suspected, but now I know "the rest of the story."   Now I'm really scared.

Don't watch this video or read this book if you are an Obot or a Lib.

They couldn't beat us from outside, but they have taken over from inside.

Don't trust a Dem.


  1. http://frontpagemag.com/2012/mark-tapson/dreams-from-my-real-father-a-story-of-reds-and-deception/

  2. http://wethepeopleshallspeak.com/the-obamarezkoayresjarrettaxelrod-crime-syndicate-in-chicago/

  3. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2169

  4. http://www.aim.org/aim-column/frank-marshall-davis-exposed/

  5. http://watch.pair.com/synarchy-3.html

    Thomas Ayers and Edison

  6. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/224610/inside-obamas-acorn/stanley-kurtz

    Motor Voter Bill
