Friday, February 20, 2009

More Good News for Obama Is More Bad News for America

Just in the first month of The Obama Administration, there is more Chaos created across the whole government in America than anyone could predict based on history. That is really good news for Obama, especially since it's bad news for America.

The Markets are tanking, Spending is out of control, Federal Regulations are intrusive and at record levels, Racial Tension is being exploited, Banking is under assault in order to promote Nationalization, Unemployment is climbing at alarming rates, Confidence is heading to a record low, the Government changes the rules at a whim during the game, Good Leadership is non existent, Bad Leadership has all the power, Incompetence is rewarded, Competency is punished, Wealth is being redistributed at will, New punitive regulations are released daily, Health care is under attack, Courts are being overridden, Criminals are being released, Laws are being ignored, etc.

With all of the facts above, does anyone think this is an accident? This is no accident. It is The Plan. The United States of America is under a total assault. The Coup has already taken place much like Noriega in Venezuela.

Expect it to escalate. Freedoms are under assault. Some examples follow:

Obama Climate Plan May Spur Trade Row Over Company Protections
By Mark Drajem and Catherine Dodge in

“Climate change is going to be the big issue of the next year, and no one has really grappled with the trade aspects,” said Jake Colvin, vice president at the Washington-based National Foreign Trade Council, whose members include Caterpillar Inc., Exxon Mobil Corp. and Microsoft. The idea of assessing fees on imports is “alarming,” he said.

Obama says he wants to cut carbon-dioxide emissions, which contribute to global warming, by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050. “This is a worldwide issue that we are going to have to confront,” Obama said in Ottawa yesterday.

The cap-and-trade program favored by the president would set limits on greenhouse-gas emissions and let companies trade pollution allowances on a market.

Mr. President Keep the Airway Free
by Rush Limbaugh in the WSJ
I have a straightforward question, which I hope you will answer in a straightforward way: Is it your intention to censor talk radio through a variety of contrivances, such as "local content," "diversity of ownership," and "public interest" rules -- all of which are designed to appeal to populist sentiments but, as you know, are the death knell of talk radio and the AM band?
This is no accident, This is just The Plan going better than expected.

Rules for Radicals:
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."

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