Monday, June 8, 2009

* Obama Kingdom Series

Starting with this posting I have initiated a New Series called the Obama Kingdom Series designated in this blog with a * in the title.

It all began a little over a month ago when a Mallard Duck Family moved into my local neighborhood. At the time there was just an occasional Father (in the pool), a Mother to be (nesting right of male just behind deck) , and some of their friends. At first I thought it was going to be a refreshing break from the Political Correct issues we have been exposed to since Obama became Campaigner in Chief after forcing out his competition for Senate and being installed as a Senator to fund his career of campaigning to be selected the Messiah in the 2008 election.

Since I had equivalent duck raising experience once before, I considered myself the Authority in raising ducks much the same as Obama is the Authority in running a country, which is where the similarity with Obama began to click and I said to myself, Myself why don't you just impose Obama policies on these ducks. My qualifying duck experience started about this same time in 2002. We started with a mother Mallard, nine eggs, and progressed over 3 months to 7 newly grown ducks. Of course the irresponsible drake had assisted in the creation of the fertilized eggs. Much like the males in Obama's society today, the males don't particiapate in nurting the young.

So as a result of these similarities between Obama's experience running a country and my experience raising ducks, I decided to create an Obama Kingdom in my own back yard which would utilize Obama techniques. Instead of the Messiah of the country, I would become the Messiah to these ducks and apply the same principles to these ducks as much as possible as the priciples and philosophy Obama has implemente for his Kingdom.

When you think about it there are a lot of similar principles and regulations that these ducks will grow to appreciate. If they are given the chance to benefit of my widsom and experience similar to our benefiting from Obama's widom and experience, these new Subjects will realize and begin the unification of all the creatures in nature. They too will be pioneers and no longer look at other creatures as predators and different from themselve. Of course they may have to sacrifice, but that is what Obama Subjects in his Kingdom are expected to do also.

The fundamental governing rules that we are sworn to are the Consitution and Bill of Rights for Obama's Kingdom, and the Laws of Nature for the Ducks in My Kingdom. Realizing that both of these are old and outdated, we will only give lip service to their adhearance and will proceed to refer to them when beneficial, but we will taylor the merrits of enforcement based on our experience and infinite wisdom.

Like Obama, I realized early on that sexual discrimination and parental responsibility were going to be key issues for ducklings. I started preparing my campaign for selection as Messiah when the duklings were old enough to choose me. Knowing that new ducklings wouldn't have time to form negative bias, it would be best for them to select their leader in this democratic process at that time. It was aparant that would be a good time to have the selection process when their minds are fresh and they would consider change more readily. Especially if I featured age discrimination and anticipated the vote disparity this would give me a big advantage, which is another Obama technique I would use.

More Obama Kindom Postings to follow!

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