Sunday, June 14, 2009

What do we know for Certain?

by J.B. Williams

about Obama Treason

  • We know that Article II—Section I of the US Constitution was very important to liberals when they challenged John McCain’s eligibility for POTUS on the basis that he was born in Panama, albeit on a US Naval base in Panama, to a well regarded US Naval Commander stationed in Panama at the time.
  • We know that the same issue is of no interest whatsoever to liberals, when concerning Barack Obama.
  • We know that even if the COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) presented by Obama to demonstrate his status as a “natural born citizen,‚” is not a forgery as it has been alleged to be by document authentication experts, it still does not prove where Obama was born as it provides none of the key “witness to the birth‚” information only available on a true long form birth certificate.
  • We know that Obama family members have signed a legal affidavit stating that they were present at Obama’s birth, in Kenya.
  • We know that Hawaii had a practice of issuing COLBs to children known to be born outside of the US.
  • We know that Barack Obama’s stated father, Barack Obama Sr. was NOT a US citizen. So even if Jr. was born in Hawaii, he would still not qualify as one without “dual loyalties‚” as the son of a Kenyan British subject.
  • We know that Barack Jr. was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia, and attended school in Jakarta registered as a Muslim citizen of Indonesia, which was only possible as the adopted son of Soetoro and legal citizen of Indonesia, which at the time did not allow dual citizenship with the US.
  • We know that Barack Jr. remained the legal adopted son of Soetoro at least until his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, filed for divorce on June 15, 1980, when she listed Barack as the son of both her and Lolo Soetoro, then over the age of 18, but still dependent upon both parties in the divorce, for his continuing education. [2]
  • Since Barack Jr. entered college at Occidental in the fall of 1979 and remained at Occidental until the spring of 1981, we know that he must have entered Occidental under the name Barry Soetoro, the name used since his adoption in Indonesia.
  • We know that Occidental has stated that - “Neither Obama’s image nor name appear in any Occidental yearbooks or weekly student newspaper for the years he attended,‚” Which means that there is NO hard public evidence which proves that Barack Obama ever attended Occidental College. Likely because they had him as Barry Soetoro… a legal citizen of Indonesia, which is how his mother identified him in her 1980 divorce filing. [3]
  • We know that he traveled to Pakistan with a college acquaintance during the same time frame, a trip not possible on a US passport at the time, as Pakistan was off-limits to US travelers on a US passport.
  • We know that to reconstitute himself as a citizen of the US after becoming a citizen of Indonesia, he would have had to do so through the standard naturalization process, no evidence of which seems to exist.
  • We know that his mother was an employee of the US government, specifically USAID, the US Agency for International Development, a government agency providing US economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years, which paid for her four bedroom home in Hawaii, and two live-in domestic servants. [4]
  • We know that she met Barack’s alleged father in a Russian Language class, immediately after leaving High School.
  • We know that his connections to anti-American evil-doers like domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Black Nationalist racist Rev. Wright, Saudi Royal Family international front-man Dr. Khalid al-Mansour (aka Don Warden), Chicago thug Tony Rezko, Communist Frank Marshall Davis and many others, spans beyond his life and into that of his mother’s.
  • We know that Obama has thus far spent approximately $1 million in cold cash to keep his birth, college and passport records sealed, Top Secret.
  • We know that Article II—Section I of the Constitution means exactly what it says or the Constitution means absolutely nothing at all to any American.
  • We know that no matter how you come at the subject, there is more than ample evidence to justify a full blown investigation into just who and what Barack Hussein Obama really is, but that not one major news agency, not one US court, and not one member of the US Congress wants to touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
Isn't it interesting Obama has spent over One Million Dollars to keep his records from exposing his guilt and has chosen not to challenge a charge that would require him to release his records.

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