Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pajamas Media » Well-Meaning or Not, Obama Threatens America

Pajamas Media » Well-Meaning or Not, Obama Threatens America

But if this is true, how did Mr. Obama become president? It boils down to this: He lied. He lied about who he is, about his background, his fundamental beliefs, his intentions, and his methods. He employed standard Marxist/socialist tactics and concealed his true nature so as to seize power and impose his will, and for two years, he pretty much got away with it. A recurring theme of Mr. Medved’s article is that such things are impossible, as Mr. Obama — like all politicians — wants to be reelected. Put aside, for the moment, that Mr. Obama has addressed this issue explicitly, saying that he’d rather accomplish his (socialist) goals than be a two-term president.

Consider then the following examples, not by any means an exhaustive list: Click on Title link to see the list.

Obama does more harm than just Threaten America.


  1. So, big deal. Vote against him in 2012.

  2. The unions and foreign money that purchased his initial campaign are stronger now.

    The difference this time is that real American voters,not all, see him for what he is, a fraud, a puppet, and most of all, subversive.

    Maybe there is hope for you too.

  3. I might vote against him in 2012. You probably will. Big deal.
