Wednesday, October 5, 2011

NATO preps for new war

NATO preps for new war
Now, my liberal friends are going to say it is all George W. Bush’s fault…however, in eight years, President Bush’s biggest annual deficit was $500 billion in 2008.

In three years under President Barack Obama, we have had deficits of $1.42 trillion, $1.29 trillion, and an estimated $1.5 trillion for 2011- which ended just a couple days ago.

Yes, big government-spending Republicans started us down this road as we offered tax cuts, but grew the federal government. But any reasonable person must confront the truth that a bad situation has been exacerbated to a level of epic proportions, and that makes me sick and should make most Americans sick as well.

Americans are not soft and we are not a “nation of cowards.” Americans are a proud, hard-working, and resilient people who, through our entrepreneurial spirit and determination, have overcome countless obstacles. We are a nation of victors, not victims, and when we have leadership in America that seeks to empower us through encouragement, not enslave us through regulatory obedience,our greatest days lie ahead, not behind.

Next, I want to bid farewell to two traitors who got their proper punishment, Mr. al-Awlaki and Mr. Samir Khan. There are those, to include a couple of GOP Presidential candidates, who believe these dangerous men should have been brought back to the United States for due process. They did get due process- by way of an American Hellfire missile.

Let me be straightforward, any American who decides to become a non-state, non-uniform belligerent on this 21st Century Battlefield and incite insurrection and death upon Americans from a foreign land, deserves a one way ticket to Hell.

We must send a message to radical Islamic terrorists that an attempt to foment homegrown Jihad in America shall not be tolerated. If we need to change laws, then we in the United States Congress should go about doing so....
Soros again?

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