Monday, October 24, 2011

Obama Regime Surrenders for America--Again

The Unthinkable Is the norm for the Obama Regime.

First they win an election with a known undocumented, illegal candidate, and prevent Congress and the Courts from requiring any evidence of eligibility even 3 years into the Regime.  This should be our first clue that America was being taken over by a serious enemy.

Immediately they take control of GM, Chrysler, Big Banks, and the Courts and ignore the Constitution and Stock Holders rights.  The Regime ignores and protects the primary institutes of corruption created and controlled by the Regime of Fanny and Freddie and their regime supported derivatives.

Then the Regime takes over both Health Insurance and Medical Care with the Illegal ObamaCare enacted rulings in spite of the Honest Courts that remain.

Then they increase unemployment and run up the debt to weaken America's position in the World and create as much a dependent welfare state as possible.

Then they prevent America from becoming self sufficient in energy and make America more dependent on foreign Energy and drive up the prices to further weaken America.

Then they prevent states from protecting themselves against illegal invasion by siding with the drug cartels against America and Mexico and ignore any borders.

Then they fund worthless companies and Union thugs to provide money for campaign contribution for the Liberals in the Democratic Party and the Rinos in the Republican party.  Don't forget these resources are laundered to advance the liberal Media, GE, and Soros.

Then they side with Hamas against Israel and force Israel to release prisoners at a rate of 1200 to 1 handing another enemy a perceived and real victory.

Then they join with Iran to remove a brutal dictator that sides with us more than Iran by providing most of the war power in Libya to facilitate the removal but leave Iran to determine the outcome in Libya. They started an unlawful war by bypassing the "Congress of Old."

After normalizing the perception of World Mobs in Egypt, Libya, and Syria while ignoring them in Iran, the Obama Regime has setup and supported World Mobs in America and overseas under the name of Occupy in case the Republican Party can come up with a legitimate candidate that will recognize and address the Coup that has taken place.

Meanwhile business as usual in destroying America and siding with Iran--Surrender Iraq to ElSader and Iran after it was successfully freed by the blood of US and allied Soldiers, the treasures of American Citizens, and many Iraq patriots. 

Barack Obama: All US troops to leave Iraq in 2011

 The Regime's new way of increasing the Debt--Surrender after Victory.

 Can Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Israel be far behind? Forget about Syria, they fall in the protected class.

America and The World has a more immediate worry than this.

Will America have an honest election in 2012?  Or will it be like the last corrupt election, which resulted in a Rino Candidate running against a Illegal whose loyalty is against America being bought and paid for by outsiders sources.

If things don't change soon, it won't even be a question. 

If the Courts can't address an Illegal SS#, and unconstitutional office holder that has provided this much evidence of anti American intentions, then they too have already been taken over.



