Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Obama Surrenders in Kabul to End War

Obama in Kabul: Afghan war near an end - Washington Times


  1. About damn time.

  2. Surrender won't end this war, only the battle that emboldens the enemy. They are still there, but now with Obama/Soetoro funding them.

    Where were you on 911? Do you remember 911?

    They will just have Afghanistan (again), Yemen, and Iraq (again) for operating and training ground for Iran.

    Obama/Soetoro has been on their side from the beginning. That they know, but some of us refuse to recognize.

    Why else give them a timeline to work with and restrict the number of troops requested by those in the know on our side? Why else support the actions of the enemy?

    I believe War is won, or lost, by the Will of the people, not the material aspects. Our soldiers have the Will, some of us don't and won't face reality, yet.

    Without the Will to win, you have already lost.

    Are you prepared for the consequences and the lifestyle that loosing brings?

    If so vote Obama/Soetoro, again.

    And you might just as well consider yourself a winner on the side of the enemy to America too.

    Beware what you ask for, the consequences may cost you more than you realize in a "False Utopia."
