Sunday, August 5, 2012

Barack Obama's Empty (But Damaging) Presidency

Barack Obama's Empty Presidency Means A Loss To Mitt Romney In November -
As one who was born in the heart of Boston and worked the political world of Washington for 20 years, I know quite a few Democrats. Some are family, and many are close friends. Most voted for Obama in 2008. None at this point is inclined to vote for him in 2012.
Why? Because they view him as an abject failure across the board and have decided to put the welfare of their families and themselves before the empty rhetoric of the Obama campaign before it's too late.
Because of my time in Washington and past positions there, I also know and am friends with quite a few journalists. I speak with many on a regular basis, and it's safe to say that the majority of them lean left politically.
That said, in off-the-record conversations with my left-leaning journalistic friends, not one believes Obama is going to win re-election. Not one. While most believe Mitt Romney to be a weak candidate, they are still convinced that he will comfortably defeat Obama on Nov. 6.
These liberal and jaded journalists privately admit that Obama has been exposed for what he is: an overhyped, self-invented candidate with no real-world experience who has been frozen into inaction by the enormity of the office he holds.
Obama has no domestic policy to speak of. He has no foreign policy to speak of. He has no jobs program to speak of. His signature health care plan is driving doctors out of the field, crippling small businesses and putting thousands of Americans out of work.
The Obama of 2012 has nothing positive to run on. Nothing. And guess what? He, more than anyone else in his White House or campaign, knows it.
This may be the only good thing the Obama-Soetoro Regime has done.  It has made clear that there is still a difference between real good and real evil government.  This Regime, like no other, has illustrated that an evil Government can mandate evil Political Correctness.  One party promoted it, the Liberal Party, and the other Party went along with the concept, the Naive (Git-Along) Party.

Maybe both parties will finally realize that "government isn't the solution, it is the problem."

The other thing the Obama-Soetoro Regime has done, it has destroyed the Rule of Law from the top to the bottom.  Obama-Soetoro-Davis, The Supreme Court,  Holder, Congress, Appeals Courts, and Election Courts have replaced the Rule of Law with the rule of Political Correctness and Cronyism:

Forged presidential Birth Certificate
Forged presidential Social Security Number
Forged presidential Selective Service Records
Injustice Department lying to Congress
"Government" furnishing weapons to Foreign and Domestic Drug Cartels
Supreme Court making PC Law instead of enforcing The Constitution.
Foreign Policy of attack our Allies and support our Enemy.
Executive Mandate trumps Law
Local Government Official asking if you are Resident are Citizen?
The List is endless

It's not the economy, it's not unemployment, it's a total Lawless Unconstitutional Government That is "The Problem."

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