Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obama’s Idea of Fairness

Obama’s Kingdom of Fairness - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
We are now entering a rare, revolutionary period in American history. The present administration is not just reexamining the traditional physics of taxing and spending, but the very basis by which Americans are compensated in the workplace.
For Obama, it is inherently unfair that a few — a surgeon, a small-business woman, an investor, or a Lotto winner — should make so much. Thus it is the government’s obligation, along with state and local governments, to take much of it away from the suspect few and redistribute it to far more deserving others.
All the old criteria in a free-market economy that decide how much we are able to make — education levels, hard work, personal responsibility, particular tastes and values, skill sets, self-discipline, or even sheer luck, accidents, relative health, or inheritance — now matter far less.
Instead, Obama’s all-knowing, all-powerful federal government, through higher taxes, more spending, and greater deficits, will set right what the unfair marketplace has so skewed. At last, we learn what Obama really meant when, in unguarded moments, he sermonized about “redistributive change,” the need to “spread the wealth,” knowing the proper time not to profit, and “at a certain point” making too much money.
Do we need to heed any longer the ancient advice — scrimp to leave something behind for your kids; try to get a promotion; make sure your savings account is larger than what you owe — if some inequality results?
There is now only one commandment in the new Kingdom of Fairness: Make less than $250,000, and the government will ensure that you, the deserving, get your fair share; make more than that, and the government will demand that you, the undeserving, pay your fair share.
That is all ye need know.
The only thing I would add to this brilliant article is that this will exclude the Rulers who are in charge.
Remember the Rulers now selectively make the "law," interpret the "law," and "enforce" the "law."  

What is the tax on a Ruler that takes a $400 Million Dollar 20 day vacation paid for by taxpayer? 

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