Thursday, November 7, 2013

Grand Theft Obama: The Biggest Heist in U.S. History

Grand Theft Obama: The Biggest Heist in U.S. History

For modern-day progressives, lying is not merely something one does to avoid getting caught, lying is tradecraft. Thus our President lies. But these are no ordinary lies; they are grand, sweeping, all-encompassing lies. He says exactly the opposite of truth, consistently, to confuse people, and tops it off by accusing his opponents of doing what he does.
This may sound harsh, but Obamacare provides the proof.
Believe it.  It's really happening.

And by a "guy" who has submitted Fraudulent Documents as qualification.

1 comment:

  1. The they don't play by the rules and then they change the rules. Then repeat. Anything goes.
