Sunday, March 16, 2014

2014 Candidate Questionnaire

2014 Candidate Questionnaire

1.  Has B. Hussein Obama faithfully executed the Office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability, preserved, protected and defended the Constitution of the United States?
If no, why shouldn't Obama be Impeached?

2.  Do you believe our Medical/Insurance System and Healthcare was better before ACA (DemCare)?
If yes, why shouldn't we return to the original system and cancel DemCare?

3.  Are Constitutional Convention Amendments needed to save our government?
If no, what is your recommendation to save our government?

4.  Do you believe the Government is large enough?
If no, then how large should it be and why?

5.  Do you believe the Government should spend more money?
If yes, how much more and why?

6.  Do you believe in Peace through Strength?
If no, what is the alternative?

7.  Do you support the Common Core education program?
If yes, Why?

8.  Do you believe the Supreme Court is 100% correct in all of it's rulings?
If yes, how did government deviate from The Constitution?

9.  Do you believe it is more important to win, than it is to win on principle you believe is right for America?
If yes, do you have any principles left?

10. Is Legal Citizenship a requirement to vote in America Elections?
If yes, why is the InJustice Department trying to prevent proof of Citizenship to vote?

11. Do you believe Holder enforces the law equally?
If yes, explain why the IRS targeted Tea Party groups and Holder did nothing?

To be continued!

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