Monday, September 21, 2009

The ObamaCON CON Part #3

The ObamaCON CON

Part #3 of ObamaCON Series by a True Patriot with a code name of "Hit It." I did not write any of this series.

• Accepting Your New Role As One Of The Masses:
If you are not an ObamaCON, but just a regular old-fashioned, hard-working, God-fearing Middle-American, and would like to imagine what your future will be like under the rule of the ObamaCONs, you should think of yourself as a single milk cow in an enormous herd of milk cows; say, about 3 million other cows, all virtually indistinguishable from yourself. Since the management of such a large herd can be very complex and cumbersome, you will be given an identification number and a transmitting tag that will allow the ObamaCONs to find you and “help” you; should they decide that you are not adjusting well to your new life as a cow. Here are some useful insights into your future as a single numbered and tagged cow among the herd.
Your value to the ObamaCONs is to produce milk and only to produce milk. You do not have any individual value because to assign to you such a value would greatly complicate management of the herd. Your individual health is important only in the context of how it affects the total milk output of the herd. Milk output of the herd is broadly converted by the ObamaCONs into things that they decide will help the herd produce more milk; making you an indirect beneficiary of their overall concern for and management of the herd. The ObamaCONs will provide such things back to you from your individual output on a collective basis within the herd; such as universal vet care, covered shelter, clean straw to lay down upon, barn lighting and heating, minimal stress and strain in your daily existence while producing milk, etc. This is why you are so very fortunate to be such a contented cow among their herd of millions.
You should accept that a substantial portion of the herd’s output must be used to support the privileged needs of the ObamaCONs. This siphoning-off of the herd’s output, known as the “milk tax”, typically results in a shortage of resources to give back to the herd to help the herd produce more milk. This shortage of resources ultimately means that old cows, not producing as much milk as younger cows, are less valuable and must be sacrificed as needed to ensure the most efficient use of those limited resources flowing back down to the herd from the ObamaCONs. If the herd should become too large to live minimally off the nourishment of the land, any infant cow that causes the birth rate of the herd to exceed the death rate must be destroyed at birth. These rules apply to weak and/or sickly cows of any age; so try not to graze long where these type cows have been put out to pasture. Such rules as these for “pruning the herd” are a natural consequence of ObamaCONs having to efficiently manage a very large number of lazy cows; who, like yourself, would foolishly rather be lying around in the grass than performing your duty to provide milk to the ObamaCONs for redistribution to the herd.
Herd management is a genuine burden that must be borne by the ObamaCONs as a consequence of their intellectual superiority. Management of all these complicated interactions concerning the herd requires assignment of a large number of ObamaCONs to these day-to-day tasks. Accordingly, a delicate balance must be maintained between the consumption of the herd’s milk output to the ObamaCONs and the overall use of that output by the herd to ultimately sustain the existence of the herd. Establishment of a maximum sustainable value for the resultant “milk tax” to support the ObamaCONs is therefore critical; difficult to fixate at any given level; and requires continuous adjustment by the ObamaCONs. There is nothing simple about keeping you milk cows contented while simultaneously serving the ravenous appetites brought on by all the hard work accomplished by the ObamaCONs on your behalf. Besides that, they take a lot of coffee breaks, which you, as a cow, don’t need.
The single biggest danger to this delicate milk-management system is that you cows might stampede if too many of you become discontented. As you can imagine, ObamaCONs live in constant fear of a stampede because they have to make some tough decisions for the good of the herd, which can often agitate some of you cows. To help keep you cows contented, it is important that the ObamaCONs provide the herd with soothing noises throughout the day. This is best accomplished by isolating you cows from all noises other than those smooth, pleasant-sounding lies that emanate constantly from the mouths of the ObamaCONs. Any cows that are prone to agitate easily and disturb the herd must be removed from the herd and isolated, if not destroyed. To guard against the damaging results of a stampede, the ObamaCONs believe it is very important to have a large number of well-trained and well-equipped cowboys standing by to suppress any stampede on a moment’s notice. Due to the potential for having to deal urgently with the possibility of a stampede, all cowboys must organizationally report to the Chief of the Director’s Office of the Principal Elite (Chief DOPE).
NOW, if you can just get used to thinking of yourself as a numbered, tagged, continually tracked, constantly milked, but contented cow, then you should eventually be able to appreciate all the fine work the ObamaCONs are doing on your behalf to change America; all while you are grazing peacefully in its green pastures created by your previous hard work and that of your forefathers. And… the way.……mooooooooo…….(cow talk for welcome to):

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