Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The ObamaCON CON Part #4

The ObamaCON CON

Part #4 of ObamaCON Series by a True Patriot with a code name of "Hit It." I did not write any of this series.

Unfortunately, most of us older milk cows are just now waking up to the fact that we are headed to the slaughter house, not to greener pastures. The ObamaCONs intend to seize control of America and implement a permanent totalitarian government. The strategies for this seizure have been in the works for many years. Here are some elements of that plan:
Army – Create a National Defense Force to control uprisings of the masses.
Banking – Ensure stability of and control over the financial system so as to control all wealth.
Communications – Seize control of public information for propaganda purposes.
Diversion – Promote an overt social agenda to provide cover for a covert political agenda.
Energy – Deny access to energy resources so as to accelerate the redistribution of wealth.
Founders – Disgrace and denounce the wisdom of the forefathers and founders of America.
God – Denounce and disgrace God and remove all such influences from the public domain.
Heritage – Pull out the “race” card to deflect any and all criticism of the ObamaCON agenda.
Think of these seven elements as some of the basic “strategies” that support an overall “objective” of seizing control of America and establishing a PERMANENT OLIGARCHY. The “tactics” that support these strategies are now being executed by various means; including supposedly “noble” legislature (Health Care, Cap and Trade, etc.), the continuing establishment of “czars” in the executive branch, and the funding of the ObamaCON agenda using our tax dollars. The ultimate result will be something like the current Russian, Chinese, or Saudi Arabian governments, which are prime examples of the planned ObamaCON Oligarchy.
Strategic elements such as these summarize the real “change” that Obama promised during his campaign. The reason that most regular-thinking Americans can’t make any sense out of Obama’s executive decisions is that we milk cows are not yet tuned in to his hidden agenda. We attempt to understand the ObamaCONs in terms of the usual traditions of American politics; but the ObamaCONs can only be understood in the light of traditional Communist doctrine and a lust for power that is beyond the comprehension of a typical Middle American. Even when confronted with the absurdity of the premises of the ObamaCONs as a basis for an American government, we Middle American milk cows are generally too contented and too naïve to believe that any group of Americans would actually do this to their own country.
BELIEVE IT, the consequences are imminent, the implementation of their plan is very, very mature, and, if successful, the results will be disastrous to the America we know and love.
The emerging enlightenment of the American public to the ObamaCON CON is a real danger to their plan; so the ObamaCONs must seize total power before the American electorate catches on and kicks them out of office. Severe damage to their plan could be accomplished in the 2010 election. The plan could be totally thwarted by the 2012 election. The imminence of these elections is the driving force behind the administration’s speed in making changes to our national laws and to the structure of the executive branch. Thus, time is of the essence in pushing through all the changes needed to gain total control. However, there is a way that an acceleration of their rise to power can be quickly accomplished.
A national emergency is a good excuse for the ObamaCONs to seize total control of the country under martial law; from which the nation may never emerge. There are no nations that would or could come to our rescue as we did to Europe’s in World Wars I and II. One highly probable precipitating event would be a terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Circumstantial evidence suggests that such an event is being planned. The current weakening of the CIA and the administration’s de-emphasis on terrorism supports this “precipitating event” theory, as well as the projected time frame for it. The options for the Unknown Puppet Masters of the ObamaCONs to create a precipitating event are many. I place no corrupt scheme beyond the limits of their imaginations, including martyrdom of their own puppet if they believed that such was necessary to create a nationwide rally to their cause and a culmination of their rise to power. The ObamaCON Puppet Masters are very, very dangerous people and no one seems to know who they really are.
It is now only a question of whether us Middle American Cows wake up and act fast enough to stop these guys before it is too late. Many intelligent, well-intending Americans, Democrats and Republicans alike, are being duped into helping these Oligarchists toward the dismal end of our nation as we know it. Under martial law, there will be no more free elections. Obama, the “Anointed One” will remain in power until the shadow government decides that he is of no further use to them (whoever “they” are). By 2012, it will not matter whether Obama is at that time perceived to be a one-term President or not; because the Oligarchists do not intend for America to ever again have a free election. If Obama can become President without having to prove that he complies with our Constitution as to being born in the U.S., then what is to keep the ObamaCONs from also ignoring the Constitutional constraints of a two-term limit?

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