Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Obama gives sugar plums to the special interests | Washington Examiner

Obama gives sugar plums to the special interests | Washington Examiner

First, there's the unsettling but unavoidable conclusion that our president is willing to deceive us if he thinks he can get away with it. He knew the drug makers were on his side -- after all, he cut a private deal with top drug lobbyist Billy Tauzin. He also knew that the media would consider any big government proposal a blow to big business.

Second, showing who benefits most makes clear that this "reform" wasn't designed to "work for the people," as Obama claims. It works for the deep-pocketed companies who wrote it. Come January, you will no longer be able to buy over-the-counter medicines with your health savings account money -- if you want the tax deduction, you'll need to get more costly prescription drugs. That hurts customers and taxpayers while driving up health care spending -- but it profits Big Pharma.

Do you still trust these accomplished lying Libs? Damn Bush for not lying as good and as much as the Libs.

Never believe or trust a Lib.

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