Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beware of Resident Obama

Beware of Resident Obama! What you see is not what you get.

If he gets away with the Gen. Petraeus/McChrystal transfer, he may have pulled off the slickest move he's made since becoming Resident Obama.

Several Resident Obama objectives are accomplished with this move:
  1. He can shift the blame of his loosing policy of conducting the "war" in Afghanistan to Gen. Petraeus and Gen. McChrystal, away from his left leaning policies. This will also weaken their credibility and the statute of the military in the Public Eye as well as the morale and recruitment of the military.
  2. He can replace Gen Petraeus, who currently heads up Centcom, with someone who has less world credibility and more amenable to his position of surrender and appeasement to handle the Israel, Iran, and North Korea conflicts as well as other major issues threatening America.
  3. While in the short time it will look like a brilliant Obama power play for the election, the way the Obama media presents it, it will really be the key to creating chaos and discontent in the military and simultaneously advancing his world position that America is the problem. He will be popular, admired, and supported by the U.N. and every other dictator in the world while at the same time he will be disseminating the the strongest, best and most ethical and humane military in world history.
U.S. Central Command Mission
With national and international partners, U.S. Central Command promotes cooperation among nations, responds to crises, and deters or defeats state and nonstate aggression, and supports development and, when necessary, reconstruction in order to establish the conditions for regional security, stability, and prosperity.
Beware of Resident Obama! What you see is not what you get.

The Obama strategy is Level the playing field-Reduce America to the level of other third world countries.

The redeeming good news is, America's future rests in the hands of
Gen. Petraeus and Gen. McChrystal to expose this Coup.

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