Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Right to Lawful Command

A Right to Lawful Command
By JB Williams

No Justice

Hundreds of challenges to Obama’s eligibility have been filed in both civil and criminal courts and ALL of them have been dismissed on “lack of standing” before any evidence could be presented. In short, civil and criminal courts have repeatedly stated the following two points;

  1. Obama’s eligibility is not our responsibility
  2. No American has “proper standing” to question Obama’s constitutional standing

Now Military Courts are telling soldiers the same thing. It is not their responsibility and no member of the military has the right to ask any questions about their highly secretive Commander-in-Chief.

The Monroe County Grand Jury, allegedly established as the entry point for citizens to present evidence of wrong doing against officials, is essentially telling Fitzpatrick the same thing. It’s not their department and it’s none of his business.

Justice is officially beyond the reach of average citizens and even decorated military officers....

The Bottom Line

Based upon all available research and evidence, I am very confident in stating that Barack Hussein Obama is ineligible for the office of Commander-in-Chief. This means that every order given under his command is an “unlawful order.” Every bill signed by Obama or executive order issued by Obama is also unlawful and unconstitutional. It also means that every individual questioning Obama’s authority has a reasonable purpose for doing so.

But it should be clear to every American at this point - that no court in this land is going to uphold and defend the rule of law or the US Constitution when it pertains to Barack Hussein Obama. Members of the military are going to be jailed for questioning the lawfulness of their orders. Any citizen who dares to question Obama’s authority will be treated as a “crackpot” at best, a “potential domestic terrorist” at worst.

The entire justice system has been eliminated as a peaceful option for redress concerning Barack Hussein Obama. No court in this land will allow any American citizen, civilian or soldier, to question the legitimacy and authority of this particular president.

Our justice system has failed. It has failed at the highest level, to uphold the US Constitution and protect the people from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Far more troubling than the truth about Obama himself, is the truth about our broken legal system. Without a right to peaceful redress in the courts, what remedies remain?

Is Resident Obama above the Law?

He is so far, but God willing, Justice will be served.

It is already too late and significant damage has been done, but the longer it takes the longer it takes to recover.

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