Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mike's Emergency Appearance--Debt Ceiling?

Some points Mike made, or maybe I dreamed last night.

1. Obama and Tax Cheat have a fiduciary duty to pay Social Security first if the debt ceiling isn't raised.

2. If Moody's downgrades the US as a result of the debt ceiling, they would have to downgrade other countries as well because of the impact it would have on their credit. The perfect Obama storm--a World Wide Economic Bubble.
World wide pandemonium, or just politics. Is Moody's just another State Run Media Organization?
Where were they on Fannie and Freddie?

3. As Mike has said for three years, our worry is deflation, not inflation. I believe Bernanke stated yesterday in testimony that he would consider QE3 to control deflation. Fed Fisher said, no QE3. Obama Fun Times ahead.

If Congress, the most recently elected view of public opinion, passes on it's obligations to use the only power it has to change the direction of US spending and limit a run away Obama/Reid destruction policy, then I ask you who wins? Not America.

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