Friday, July 15, 2011

Prima donnas left the island | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Prima donnas left the island | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Prima donnas left the island

Posted on | July 15, 2011 | No Comments

I’ve never seen anything like that. It is impossible to get in touch with either Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii Jill Nagamine, who is in charge of this case, nor Director of Health Loretta Fuddy, to find out, if Fuddy will cooperate with the second subpoena signed by the clerk of the court.

Department of Health responds, that Fuddy is not on the island. “Ms. Macademia Republic” left the island. My wild guess, she is off diving for Obama’s birth certificate. Somebody should tell her, she is better of diving in search for the Loch Ness Monster.

I called the office of Attorney General of Hawaii twice and left two messages for Deputy Attorney General of Hawaii Jill T. Nagamine. Apparently her machine is full of messages and now a secretary is taking messages. I don’t know, if she left the island or she is hiding somewhere in a bunker, but she does not respond, this is really outrageous. This country has never seen such level of corruption of so many governmental officials. More people will need to be prosecuted as a result of ObamaFraudGate, than were ever prosecuted in the aftermath of Watergate. I can’t get an answer from HI. Please, call the Attorney General and the Governor and let them know, that the Director of Health and the Deputy Attorney General are not cooperating and not complying with the subpoena signed by the clerk of the Federal court. Let them know, that prior excuses of privacy are an insult to intelligence of each and every American, as the alleged copy of the BC was posted on line by Obama.

I'm sure they have nothing to hide. It is the "nothing" that they don't have. What does a job like this pay? I'll bet the doing nothing pays more than doing their job, for now. If we ever get our legal system back, then it will cost them. We can only hope.

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