Sunday, June 17, 2012

Who is the White House Mole?

Who is the White House Mole?
If it is so easy to turn over national security information to the media, it may be just as easy to turn the state secrets directly over to the enemy. Either way, our adversaries benefit.
Starting with Obama and then moving through Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and on to campaign adviser David Axelrod, we have individuals who could not pass a basic FBI background check.
But who cares? 
To a Lib, any real qualifications for a President is just a Birther Issue.
A illegal president is "just a Birther Issue to the Libs."  Just a Lib diversion attempt.
Proven False Birth Certificate, or no Birth Certificate, proven illegal Social Security Number, and proven forged Selective Service # are just Birther Issues.  Any of these are ok for president, as long as the target is a Liberal as seen by a liberal.

To that add that if Obama-Soetoro isn't lying in his book his father was never a U.S. Citizen.  But like everything else, he was probably lying there too.

I think the old buzzard, Obama-Soetoro, is finally coming home to roost.

The Libs are finally getting the picture.  They are so "concerned for the common good" that they want someone to take care of them. The Obama-Soetoro Regime is going to "take care" of them, but they are to gullible and greedy to see the cost.  Not only their freedom, but the freedom of those they are so concerned to help.

Anyone that votes for this group of Libs in 2012 is either ignorant, or on the take?

Remember, a Liberal can do no wrong and has never made a mistake, as viewed from his own eyes.

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