Monday, December 29, 2014

Obama Surrenders Afghanistan

Taliban Claims America 'Defeated' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard

Dumb Obama thinks he alone can end a War by surrendering.

It doesn't look like an ended War to me, only another Obama fabrication.

Afghanistan hasn't gone away, and it can't until Obama goes away.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Story of the Year: I vote for Meriam Ibrahim

Left-leaning AP says police killings of blacks is year’s top story; I vote for Meriam Ibrahim - Allen B. West -

Recognize that Principle is more important than Prize.

Jeb Bush Vs. Ted Cruz -The Republican Issue

Jeb Bush Vs. Ted Cruz | CNS News

To my way of thinking, this narrative describes the "Republican" Issue.

Based on the last election and what Congress did immediately after by advancing the Spending and not restraining ObamaCare or restricting Obama Amnesty or reducing Obama Spending or improving National Secuirty I'd say the RINOs believe that destroying America is a win win for them and they have endorsed the Obama Policies.

God Bless America.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

North Korea Didn’t Hack Sony?

No, North Korea Didn’t Hack Sony - The Daily Beast

I'm Suspicious too, but with this corrupt Regime, Who knows?

We might be wise to consider the results, whatever they are.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Judges Tip Appeals Courts to Democrats--Big Time

Obama judges tip appeals courts to Democrats - The Washington Post

This report was as of May 2014.  Reid has sense confirmed many many more corrupt judges.

Courts, like most every branch of government, can not be counted on to uphold Congressional Law or The Constitution and rein in this Tyrannical Government.

You are witnessing a Tyrannical Government run unchecked.

When you can't count on The Media to cover the corruption, and the "opposing party" surrenders from the outset, you know The Regime is UNCHECKED and so do they.

The Real Question is:  Who is this Regime really working for and who is calling the shots?  Is it Iran, China, Russia, Cuba, etc.?  It obviously is a Marxist, Socialist, or Communist belief.

Looks like the only solution is Article V State Conventions, or another World War.

Looks like it's out of citizens hands at this point.

It has to be a proud day for Frank Marshall Davis and his offspring.

Friday, December 19, 2014

White House Fears 'President Cruz'

White House Fears 'President Cruz' Will Overturn Exec Amnesty - Breitbart

They should fear Cruz, President or not.

They can't handle a Man of Principle with Credibility.

President Obama Didn’t Tell The Whole Story About Cuba

President Obama Didn’t Tell The Whole Story About Cuba

Leftist and Obama never tell the Whole Story.

No Credibility in anything they say.

The World knows it more than we realize.

Neil Turner, meets with Congr. Issa to see why Obama’s use of a stolen SSN 042-68-4425 and fabricated IDs was not investigated.

Civil rights leader and veteran, Neil Turner, meets with Congr. Issa to see how was Issa threatened, what caused him to be complicit in the cover up of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN 042-68-4425 and fabricated IDs. Please, schedule meetings with your congressmen, demand answers from them :

Did North Korea Hack Sony? Or China?

Did North Korea Hack Sony?

But deterrence is not just about punishment; it is also about denying
the effectiveness of future attacks. While the details of North Korean
cyber threats are uncertain, the United States and its allies should
seek to monitor, attack and disable North Korean hacking capabilities.
There is evidence that North Korean hackers work from China and use
Chinese IP addresses. If this is true, then China's role should be
publicly revealed and it should be pressured to terminate this
Sony is a Japanese Co., China is at war with Japan, N Korea can use the prestige, and Our Regime can increase control over internet, blame N Korea which isn't as significant as China, divert attention from attacks by China, and China increases it's Cyber Warfare capability while attention is diverted to N. Korea.

It's a Win for China, a Win for N Korea, and a Win for anti-American Rulers including Obama.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Enzi to Replace Patriot Jeff Sessions on Budget!

Sessions concedes Budget gavel to Enzi | TheHill

Senate hasn't learned it's lesson by throwing Sessions under the Bus.

Senate is emulating Obama by getting rid of one of the good guys. 

Bill Clinton, Same-o-same-o?

Bill Clinton Creeps on Daughter of Guy Who Tried to Buy New York Senate for Dems | Washington Free Beacon

Hillary has to be so proud-because his taste has improved.

Senator Marco Rubio R-FL US- Cuba Policy Changes

Senator Marco Rubio R-FL US- Cuba Policy Changes | Video |

This Precedent is the best negotiator for the enemy of any that have held the High Office.

And the good news is What?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Obama files an opposition to motion and Admits there was no Executive Order

Press Release: Obama files an opposition to motion by Taitz and admits there was no Executive Order signed :

Posted on | December 16, 2014 | No Comments
Press Release: Obama files an opposition to motion by Taitz in Taitz v Jeh Johnson, Sylvia Burwell, Barack Obama and admits there was no Executive Order signed

Taitz v Johnson Opposition to 11.26.2014 motion

Obama writes:

“Dr. Taitz’s recent motion challenges immigration-related guidance memoranda

issued by DHS on November 20, 2014, although Dr. Taitz incorrectly describes the

guidance memoranda as an “Executive Order,” which it is not.”

“…And the Court can take

judicial notice of the fact that no “executive order” was announced during the President’s


Further, Obama claims that Taitz lacks standing as a tax-payer,
however this is patently false, as the Supreme Court in Flast v Cohen,
via decision penned by the Chief Justice Earl Warren found that US tax
payers have standing to challenge actions by the government, as long as
those actions relate to spending allocated by the Congress based on it’s
spending and taxing power and those actions  are illegal.

Further, Obama’s actions in recent amnesty are a continuation of the
illegal DACA policy, which was started by Obama in 2012, where Obama
flagrantly violates US immigration laws and grants deferral of
deportation to large classes of illegal aliens and grants them works
permits and Social Security cards.
Check it out!

▶ #Obama: Dreams From My Real Father (2012)

▶ #Obama: Dreams From My Real Father (2012) - YouTube

Obama provides more evidence every day that his life story as portrayed in this movie is accurate. 

Dare any one to check the background of characters in this movie that aren't even identified elsewhere in Media.

Why else would he have a falsified SS# and a falsified Birth certificate with blanks on it that are identified by the number 9?

Isn't it probable that he inherited his perversion from Frank Marshall Davis who posted nude photos he took of O's Mother in a magazine.

Welcome to Reality.

Obamacare, the $250 Billion Tax Grab?

The Man Who Busted Gruber Speaks Out, Reveals $250 Billion Obamacare Tax Grab - Katie Pavlich

Has anyone ever heard of Socialized Medicine?

Has anyone ever heard of a Socialist Ruler?

You have now.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Obama, Congress Block Efforts to Combat Medicare Fraud

Obama, Congress Block Efforts to Combat Medicare Fraud

Government is broke.

They are trying to break America too.

GOP Establishment Helped Reid Confirm Obama Nominees

The GOP Establishment Helped Reid Confirm Obama Nominees

Rinos agreed to reduced Post Cloture debate from 30 hours to 4 hours in agreement with Harry Reid two years ago.

Way to go RINOs.

The Audacity of Principle

Conservative Review - The Audacity of Principle

Principle is another word too many left in government don't recognize.

Credibility is another.

Oath is another.

Maybe Cruz, Lee, and J. Sessions will remind them before it's too late.

9 Senators Who Agree They Violated Their Oath of Office

Conservative Review - 9 Senators Who Agree They Violated Their Oath of Office

is no other way to put this, Senators Roberts, Thune, Burr, Fischer,
Boozman, Isakson, Johanns, Blunt, and Hoeven are hypocrites. - See more
Senators are known for voting for, or against, something before voting the opposite way.

is no other way to put this, Senators Roberts, Thune, Burr, Fischer,
Boozman, Isakson, Johanns, Blunt, and Hoeven are hypocrites. - See more
is no other way to put this, Senators Roberts, Thune, Burr, Fischer,
Boozman, Isakson, Johanns, Blunt, and Hoeven are hypocrites. - See more
is no other way to put this, Senators Roberts, Thune, Burr, Fischer,
Boozman, Isakson, Johanns, Blunt, and Hoeven are hypocrites. - See more
is no other way to put this, Senators Roberts, Thune, Burr, Fischer,
Boozman, Isakson, Johanns, Blunt, and Hoeven are hypocrites. - See more

Wall Street’s Omnibus Triumph, and Others

Wall Street’s Omnibus Triumph, and Others | OpenSecrets Blog

Follow the Money.

Dr. Dobson Interviews Ben Carson

Today's Broadcast

Getting America back on the right track isn’t brain surgery—well, maybe
it is! On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews
world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson about his story and
the future of America.



Dec 9

One Nation - 2

Getting America back on the right track isn’t brain surgery—well, maybe
it is! On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews
world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson about his story and
the future of America.


Dec 8

One Nation - 1

Getting America back on the right track isn’t brain surgery—well, maybe
it is! On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson interviews
world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson about his story and
the future of America.


Fees for Illegal Amnesty Paid by Legal Immigrants

Un-frigging-believable: fees for illegal amnesty paid by legal immigrants - Allen B. West -

Impeachment still off the table?  Then What?

Sydney Hostage Taker Told Obama to Stop Hiding his Religion

Sydney Hostage Taker Told Obama to Stop Hiding his Religion | FrontPage Magazine

I have to tell you the Hostage Taker is wrong about the success of Obama "hiding his religion for political purposes."

Obama has been very successful at not "selling out his religion."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

How Can Unjust Inquiry Investigate ‘A Stain on Our Values?’

Center for Security Policy | How Can Unjust Inquiry Investigate ‘A Stain on Our Values?’

Dianne Feinstein exposes who the Real Traitors are, the Dems.


Allen B. West Plays the Race Card

I don't usually play the race card, but... - Allen B. West -

Libs, can you handle the truth?

The CIA did what it was asked to do

Jose A. Rodriguez Jr. / The CIA did what it was asked to do - Commentary

Alinsky Frankenstein is attempting to use Rule #4 of Rules for Radicals.  Why would she do that?

What has she got against America? 

Senator Tom Coburn Delivers His Farewell Speech

In His Farewell, Senator Tom Coburn Delivers An Emotional Speech Every American Needs To Hear

Tom Coburn not only recognizes the problems with the Senate, he identifies them, and more importantly, he tried to live up to them.

He will be truly missed in the Senate at a time when the Senate no longer recognize their responsibility.  In fact many of them still believe it is their duty to destroy this responsibility.

The Constitutional Issue starts about 8 minutes into the speech.

Thanks to Russ for sending link.

Dr. Carson: "Stop the Craziness"

Dr. Carson HUMILIATES the RINOs in Congress With Just Three Words

Why do the Media, Dems, and RINO's want another War?

Hasn't history shown that lying corrupt governments don't last.

Obama/Boehner Cromnibus Bill: Disastrous Consequences

Exclusive–Palin on Obama/Boehner Cromnibus Bill: 'It Stinks to High Heaven'

Boehner's lack of positive leadership in the House points to another disastrous year for The Constitution and America in general.

God Bless America!

Final Passage of 2015 $1.1T Spending Bill

Votes | Congressional Chronicle |

Motion Agreed To 56 to 40

What does it mean when it takes more Democrats than Republicans to Pass a Republican House Crafted Bill?

Only leverage left to check Corrupt Emperor is IMPEACHMENT!




Saturday, December 13, 2014

What Will Happen First, Impeachment Or ?

What Will Happen First, Impeachment Or A Military Coup? - Freedom Outpost

World can't stand two more years of Obama Regime.

Senators-22 Support Constitution 74 Against Constitution

Senate rebukes Cruz’s claims of unconstitutional immigration order | TheHill

Not surprising with Rinos, including Cornyn, in Senate.

Thanks to the 22 Senators that supported the Constitution:

All Republican

Now we know which Senators to trust.

The Feinstein Report Is a Disaster

The Feinstein Report Is Going to Cost Us | National Review Online

Why are the Dems so dedicated to destroying America?

Are they working for Iran, Russia, China, or just the Devil?

Mysterious Death of Obama Critic and Reporter

Mysterious Death of Obama Critic and Reporter on Bin Laden’s Death and Ferguson Labeled Suicide - Freedom Outpost

Just another coincidence, like Fuddy who was the only one to die in plane with a lot of unknown circumstances too. 

Welcome to Obama Times!

Cruz and Lee Force Vote Against Executive Amnesty

Cruz, Lee Win War with Harry Reid, Force Vote Against Executive Amnesty

Just watch the vote to see who supports The Constitution.

Talk is cheap, but action has consequences.

Boehner surrenders all leverage through 2015

With Cromnibus passed, Boehner surrenders all leverage through 2015 - Allen B. West -

It has become clear that Obama isn't on America's side, but it is becoming clear Boehner is not on America's side either.

Like last time, the Repubs will tell us they can't do anything about whatever Obama does.  If they keep surrendering without a fight they sure can't.

Thanks to Allen West for his dedication and honesty.  

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cromnibus: Repubs Last "Stand"

Cromnibus: a winter festival of unrestrained spending | Human Events

One thing you have to say about Libs, "they are fighters."

The opposite is true with most Repubs, "they surrender before the fight."

Gutierrez, Pete Sessions, and Ripon Society promote Pro Amnesty?

Pete Sessions’ Pro Amnesty Travel Buddy Rubs Off on Him

It's sad to say, but it looks like Pete Sessions has switched.

Watch out because he's taking lessons from Obama and lying has worked for Obama.

Sessions Characterization of Omnibus 2015 below:

Don't see any reference to Amnesty

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What’s Really Going on with Holder’s InJustice Dept?

What’s Really Going on with Holder’s Civil-Rights Crusade against Police Departments | National Review Online

John Kerry’s Historic 1971 Testimony

John Kerry Then: Hear Kerry’s Historic 1971 Testimony Against the Vietnam War | Democracy Now!

Without a Sec of Defense,  without a CIA, with a corrupt Racist Justice Dept., with Illegal HHS, and this guy (Kerry) as Sec of State, what do you see as the future of America?

Of course Obama is not the solution as you can see.

If Congress doesn't stop this orchestrated decline in America they too will be complicit.

It looks like the Stupid Voter is the only one that gets it.

Gruber acknowledges ACA Legislative Techniques

Jonathan Gruber apologizes to Congress for 'inexcusable' political comments about Obamacare - Washington Times

Jonathan Gruber apologizes to Congress for 'inexcusable' political comments about Obamacare -

Another translation is that it was inexcusable for Gruber to acknowledge the methods the DemRegime used to pass ObamaCare or the (UN)Affordable Care Act.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Limbaugh Response to Myself as the News

My Response to Myself as the News - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Obama Is Racist and DANGEROUS

Obama Issued This Statement to Muslims in America... This Is Insane

The president did so yet again speaking about the end of the Islamic festival of Ramadan earlier this year.

Recognizing Eid-al-Fitr, the celebration of the end of Ramadan, Obama
said “Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of
Muslim Americans
to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of
our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at
home and around the world, to protect and advance their rights to
prosper, and we welcome their commitment to giving back to their
communities.” (H/T TPNN)
Thanks to Bill for link.

Example of Hillary's Integrity

VIDEO: Here's the Hillary Scandal Ann Coulter Says Is "Bigger Than Benghazi"

She might be able to follow Obama because you can't tell which side she is on either.

Maybe she can destroy what's left of America if Obama leaves her anything.

Gruber, Architect of Affordable Care on CSPAN3

Jonathan Gruber to face hostile House panel, tea party 'I'm with Stupid' T-shirts - Washington Times

Watch hearing and find out who's Really Stupid:

CSPAN3 at 8:30 am 12-9-2014:

Federal Reserve Bank responds to FOIA request Sent to DHHS

Why was my FOIA request for info, sent to DHHS, in regards to their inability to check Obama’s IDs for Obamacare, forwarded to Federal Reserve of NY? Did Obama work for Federal Reserve at some point? What is the connection? :

Federal Reserve of NY letter
Only in Obama Times does Federal Reserve Bank handle DHHS FOIA?

Berkeley Riot: Making of America

Berkeley Riot: 'Peaceful' Mob Torches Police Car, Attacks Shops

Are California, New York, and Berkeley the New Face of America?

Republicans Reject Their Mandate

Republicans Reject Their Mandate | The American Spectator

If Repubs want to win, Surrender is NOT an Option.

Obama does not sign amnesty order

Senator ridicules Obama for not signing amnesty order

How to subvert The Law without being responsible for it.

What’s Really Going on is Nationalization

What’s Really Going on with Holder’s Civil-Rights Crusade against Police Departments | National Review Online

If it moves Nationalize It.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The secret behind Obama’s ‘order’

Amnesty shocker! The secret behind Obama’s ‘order’



This video defines the Real Racial War in America--The War of Racial Politics!

Beware America, this War is Real.

Thanks to Tom P for this link.

Boehner Crafts Surrender Plan on Obama Executive Amnesty

Boehner Crafts Surrender Plan on Obama Executive Amnesty

Boehner Surrenders, Again!

Superior Path, Not Taken:
...superior plan: funding a very short-term continuing resolution to fund
the government through January, allowing Republicans to take over the
Senate; funding each department of the government separately, rather
than through omnibus packages, thus delinking funding for President
Obama’s immigration program from funding for other programs. That would
allow Republicans to have separate discussions and conversations over
each department, rather than lumping all spending together and allowing
President Obama to leverage a lack of funding for one program against
all programs. This is, in fact, the strategy embraced by conservatives
ranging from Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who
explained, “The voters understand that the cavalry is coming. Why in
the world would you want to extend a CR, a funding bill, for several
months out? Why not wait for those people to get here?”
The Republic is at stake when you have Rulers with Ethics like Boehner and Obama on Par with each other.

They Think We're Stupid, and we must be, to allow them to continue to give up the only leverage they have with a Lawless Regime, the Leverage of the Purse and Impeachment.

Senator Ted Cruz, A Real Statesman

Senator Ted Cruz R-TX Foreign Policy | Video |

If you believe Credibility and Policy are Key, then Cruz is The Man.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Don't Fund Obama's ‘Lawless, Unconstitutional’ Amnesty

Conservatives: Don't Fund Obama's ‘Lawless, Unconstitutional’ Amnesty | CNS News

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced on Tuesday that he
will call a vote this week to block Obama's executive actions on
immigration. He also said the House would vote next week on a bill to
fund the government through the full fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30,
2015, and immigration agencies through next year.
Same as old line "I have to vote for cloture before I can vote against the bill, even though the vote against is controlled by the Dems."

Truly a Stupid Voter believes this Old Line.

Cruz: ‘President Has No Constitutional Authority to Refuse to Enforce the Law’

Cruz: ‘President Has No Constitutional Authority to Refuse to Enforce the Law’ | CNS News

Listen to a real Leader!

TED CRUZ: 'The World Is On Fire'

TED CRUZ: 'The World Is On Fire' - Business Insider

Listen to a Real Patriotic Leader, not a Real Marxist Leader. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Impeachment Strategy-Alinsky's Rule #4

Articles: Does 'No Impeachment' Fulfill Alinsky's Rule #4?

Alinsky Strategy executed by Obama/Marxists to perfection.

Hell no we can't Impeach Obama, Hell no we can't stop him.

Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead and thank the Repubs.

Repubs will forfeit all of their Power AGAIN!

They haven't learned Obama Strategy, yet: (
Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people.

…The third rule is: Wherever possible go outside the experience of the
enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

…the fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

…the fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

…the sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

…the seventh rule is: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

…the eighth rule: Keep the pressure on.

…the ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

...the tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of
operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

…the eleventh rule is: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

…the twelfth rule: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

…the thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. — Rules for Radicals
 That indicates the Repubs still have NO POWER because they openly forfeit it in the beginning.

Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama’s Words and Deeds | FrontPage Magazine

Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama’s Words and Deeds | FrontPage Magazine

Taitz lawsuit ruling nears - Brownsville Herald

Taitz lawsuit ruling nears - Brownsville Herald: Premium

Unlikely a Patriot has standing, under this Marxist Regime only anti-American Radicals have standing.

People like Sharpton, Farrakhan, Holder, and Obama are all that can have standing in this InJustice Department.

Louis Farrakhan has a Warning for America

VIDEO: Radical Muslim Leader Louis Farrakhan has a Chilling Warning for America

And your Emperor tells you the Police is the problem.

And Narcissist Marxist Obama has a meeting in The White House to Nationalize Police Departments in America.

Congress does nothing, again.

Ameritopia Chapter 1

Mark Levin Show - Read Chapter 1 of Ameritopia

Read this and see if you recognize the trouble we have coming.

Obama is one screwed up Narcissists Marxist

Mark Levin explains why Obama is one screwed up Marxist » The Right Scoop -

Mark describes Narcissists Alinsky Obama Davis to a tea.

When will Congress and the American People stand up to this Narcissists.

Monday, December 1, 2014