Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The American Spectator : Perverse Democrats

The American Spectator : Perverse Democrats

Berwick is also said to have asked his senior staff to look for ways to utilize some of the foundations and entities he has had relationships with while working at Harvard and his own think tank, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and those organizations read like a who's who from the George Soros Dustbin of Leftist Agitators.

Tops of among them is the Open Society Institute (OSI), itself a Soros-funded organization, which, through several different channels, has funneled money to Berwick's IHI think tank at Harvard. Scholars at IHI were involved, for example in the Soros-funded "Project on Death in America," which seeded hundreds of thousands of dollars across the country for studies into end of life issues. The OSI has also funneled similar amounts to organizations involved in drug-policy circles.

Through OSI's contacts, Berwick staff is discussing ways to use leftist propagandist and Corporation for Public Broadcasting gadfly Bill Moyers (the man who famously spent his days as a President Lyndon Johnson aide trashing the reputation of Martin Luther King to the media) to highlight the efforts of the Obama Administration's health care "reform" plan. They are also seeking ways to utilize relationships with charitable organizations that have had ties with Soros's operation, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which has made the issue of "working families" a point of its research. There is also the Nathan Cummings Foundation, a leftist foundation with a definite pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel tilt, which spends millions in the "social justice" arena.

"Open Society was the hub that allowed Donald [Berwick] to meet up with foundations and individuals that helped him raise millions for Institute for Healthcare," says a foundation board member with ties to OSI. "You didn't start something at Harvard and not reach out to Soros, and Donald certainly worked that network hard, in part because he's one of them."

Don't expect the Soros Corruption to stop any time soon, the Resident in Chief is just a Soros puppet.

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