Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Slogan: Yes, We Did

RUSH: Yesterday in Kansas City, Obama, in a very listless and unenergetic address on the economy, seemed to be introducing a new slogan, "yes, we did," instead of "yes, we can." By the way, folks, do you understand the irony here? This is a guy, Obama and the Democrat Party, the American left, if you look at their enemies list, who is it? Big Retail, Big Drug, Big Food, Big Oil, Big Defense Contractor, Big Radio, I mean every private sector business that is big and successful is on the top of the enemies list. And now all of a sudden here's Obama out saying he's pro-business. They accuse Republicans of being pro-business. When they say Republicans are pro-business, they're attacking them. They're attempting to impugn them. Now all of a sudden Obama wants to wrap himself in the pro-business robe? Ha!

So he wants to introduce his new slogan "yes, we did." Yeah, okay, fine. "Yes, we did destroy the economy. Yes, we did take over the automobile industry. Yes, we did squander a trillion dollars, and we're going to squander a trillion more. Yes, we did triple the US deficit, and yes we did it all on purpose. What are you going to do about it now? (Raspberry) Yes, we do want to stop drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska. Yes. Yes, we did do that." Here's Mort Zuckerman. We quoted him earlier from the Aspen Institute. He was on MSNBC yesterday, the hostette, Chris Jansing talked to Mort Zuckerman. He is the editor-in-chief and publisher of US News & World Report and the New York Daily News. She said, "Do you think these are policies that he misled the voters about or is he following a plan that might have been expected, maybe it's not working as quickly or as well as he might have hoped?"

ZUCKERMAN: I don't think anybody anticipated that there was the kind of details in a national election campaign that indicated whether it was going to be X or Y. But when you get into the program and you find out what you need to get this economy rolling again and you get a program that is two-thirds basically driven by politics and not by policy, there is going to be disappointment, and I think there really is disappointment and dismay. Niall Ferguson and I were the two speakers at the opening session talking about this, and I would say that a year ago 90% of them would have been throwing tomatoes at us. They were not. They agreed.

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