Sunday, February 5, 2012

America On The Brink Of Anarchy - Conservative Crusader

America On The Brink Of Anarchy - Conservative Crusader
by: jb williams | published: 12 25, 2011

Clearly, government officials from the White House all the way down to your local town and all points in-between, have a total disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution of these once United States. Every day, we see government officials act beyond their authority, in direct violation of the law and their oaths of office – still, the American people sit silent, waiting… but for what?

The people allowed their Constitutional Representative Republic to be quietly replaced with a Marxist form of democracy (aka Democratic Socialism) and we are now witnessing simple democracy at its worst. Washington D.C. is the belly of the beast, in terms of political and judicial corruption and lawlessness. But that corruption and lawlessness has been systematically spread across the country, throughout the federal courts, all the way down to your local traffic court.

Judges are no longer restrained by the law. They operate as political tools for change – henchmen for a corrupt administration, federal, state and local. Our nation has been systematically pushed to the brink of anarchy, a lawless society wherein the people will have to exact justice themselves, or live under the boot of government tyranny.

The people have already been silent too long. What are they waiting for?

I can not write this elegant and accurate, but I can recognize the truth and hopefully present the information to someone that still cares.

Obama is deemed legal, without court appearance that demands proof, without proof of birth certificate, with false Social Security Number by a "judge" that rules in his favor in total disregard for the law.
We don't have to mention the Illegal Justice Department headed by Holder.
We don't have to mention suing States for enforcing the law.
We don't have to mention illegal Czars.
We don't have to mention illegal appointments.
We don't have to mention exercising illegal authority.

Do you get the picture?

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