Thursday, June 9, 2011

Evidence Broadens Obama Natural Born Conspiracy - Conservative Crusader

Evidence Broadens Obama Natural Born Conspiracy - Conservative Crusader

Only the People Can End this Crisis

From 2003 through 2008, member of congress worked to eliminate Article II – Section I – Clause V of the U.S. Constitution, requiring that all presidential candidates be natural born citizens of the United States.

In 2008, fifty state Secretaries allowed the name Barrack Hussein Obama to appear on their state ballot for the president, despite the known fact that Barrack Hussein Obama did not meet the constitutional conditions for the office sought, and that the Democrat Party had intentionally failed to certify Barrack Obama as constitutionally eligible for office.

On January 20, 2009, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roberts administered the presidential oath of office to an individual and every member of the Supreme Court had knowledge that Barrack Hussein Obama failed to meet constitutional requirements for the office he was about to take.

The Chief Law enforcement officer in our country is head of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder. A long-time leftist comrade of Barrack Obama who uses the power of the office to silence the vice of American dissenters, while protecting all who intend America harm.

The voting fraud is so prevalent in America today that it is almost impossible to rely upon the election system as a means of correcting anything and even if you could rely on the system, decent honest qualified leaders do not run for political office in this cesspool we call a country today.

Only 25% of the nation strongly supports this White House resident, which means 75% have great doubts, with more than 35% strongly opposed.

Only the people can put this nation back on track to freedom and liberty, the rule of law and our beloved constitutional republic and they cannot do it in the election booth.

The people must rise up, stand together and hold these criminal actors accountable for the theft of our government which has become the greatest threat to the American way of life in history.

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