Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 1: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 1: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg
Part 1
But before you worry about China’s becoming No. 1 any time soon, consider the remaining gap between its economy and the U.S. economy. In 2009, China’s GDP was $4.9 trillion, only 34 percent of the U.S.’s $14.3 trillion. Because China has 1.32 billion people, or 4.3 times as many as the U.S. has, the gap in per-capita GDP was even bigger: China’s $3,709 was only 8 percent of the U.S.’s $46,405.
Part 2

Unsustainable Growth

Here’s what we should remember: This kind of growth is unsustainable, and it won’t be able to cover up China’s underlying vulnerabilities forever.

Part 3
China is hoping to cool its white- hot economy without precipitating a recession. Doing so will be extremely difficult: Inflation fears are growing, the government’s ability to respond is quite limited, and China’s economic model, which leaves bureaucrats guessing about the market effects of their directives, is ultimately untenable.
My assessment:
China has an economic model that isn't sustainable in a country like America that is based on freedom, until the Ruling Class can indoctrinate the future generations.
The current US regime is attempting to create the same model in the US, a Ruling Elite Class (Democrats and Rino's) and a Middle Class for all the rest of us, consisting of dependent slaves or peasants- as is illustrated by The Oppressed Monkey.

Ironic that this Coup is being championed by a black leader. But could it happen otherwise?

The Ruling Class must be stopped in the next election. Obama and the Liberals, both Democrats and Rino's, in Congress must be defeated and their extortion campaign financing must bankrupt many of the primary contributors to the Ruling Class in the process.

The Constitution must be protected. The Courts and Justice Department need to be restored to following US Constitutional Law, not just the Chicago Law.

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