Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up by Allen West

Weekly Wrap Up
We are also becoming more aware of the reckless and irresponsible actions of the Obama administration in the conduct of Operation Fast and Furious. We now know the Obama Justice Department oversaw an operation whereby weapons were flooded into the Mexican drug cartel resulting in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent by one of these weapons.

We know certain agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) sent up warning signs on this operation which went unheeded. The time for discussion is over. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder must resign, and anything less is unacceptable!

Along the same lines, it seems the Obama Administration is also showing its colors when it comes to support of labor unions. The suit filed by the National Labor Relations Board, in the case of Boeing moving a plant operation to the right-to-work state of South Carolina, is unconscionable. Since when does the federal government dictate to a private sector corporation where it can establish its operations? Oops, sorry, rhetorical question there. Ever since we got the President CEO-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama, the rules of the free market/free enterprise have changed. Just ask a former auto industry CEO.

For us here in Florida, just let me remind you, we are a right-to-work state as well. So go git ‘em Governor Nikki Haley!

Lastly, even though outgoing Secretary of Defense Gates believes all nations lie to each other, do allies arrest each other’s informants as we saw Pakistan arrest five CIA informants this week?

And just when it seems everyone had forgotten Army Major Malik Nidal Hassan - who still has not been brought to trial -we now have naturalized Ethiopian Marine Reserve Lance Corporal Yonathan Melaku who has been arrested in a Pentagon terrorist scare. Never forget the U.S. Army after action report from the shooting at Ft. Hood- it never mentioned Islamic terrorism, jihadism, or Muslim extremism or infiltration.

History has a wicked way of teaching repetitive lessons to those who fail to learn from it.
Now this is a leader, and a brave one at that.

We sure could use one in the White House.

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