Sunday, March 31, 2013

InJustice Department Rewards Terrorist with Workplace Violence

Defense Department says giving Purple Heart to Fort Hood survivors would hurt Hasan trial | Fox News

Workplace Violence is the Regime's new legal name for Terrorism.

It's the same, but rule change aids the Terrorist by allowing the defense to claim it wasn't a terrorist attack.

Thank the Obama/Holder Injustice Department for their support of terrorist, again.

With this InJustice Department, you have to know their is no longer any Justice.

You might call this InJustice a CAIRing act.

The Waste List of "government" in Obama Times

The Waste List

Obama Used A SECOND Social Security Number

Obama Used A SECOND Social Security Number

The plot thickens, but so does the regime corruption.

Imposter in the White House, now what?

Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot

Election Fraud Investigation: Did Fake Signatures Get Obama on Primary Ballot? | Fox News Insider
The Democratic presidential primary petitions that put then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the 2008 primary ballot in Indiana are the focus of a criminal investigation. There are allegations that numerous signatures and names on the petitions were forged, so many in fact, that questions have been raised as to whether now-President Obama even qualified with enough legal signatures to get on the primary ballot in the first place.
Maybe Eric Shawn will finally expose this imposter.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore’s court

Obama eligibility appeal in Roy Moore’s court

Pray for Justice.

Detailed Data from Muslim Voter Survey

CAIR Releases Detailed Data from Muslim Voter Survey -- WASHINGTON, Nov. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

CAIR Urges Support for Immigration Reform

Action: Contact Senators to Urge Support for Immigration Reform - CAIR

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

Anti-Sharia Legislation Campaign

Anti-Sharia Legislation Campaign - CAIR

Anti-Sharia or Anti-American?  You make the call.

Administration is CAIRless with jihad-linked group

Administration admits to ‘hundreds’ of meetings with jihad-linked group | The Daily Caller

Only in Obama Times.

You be the judge.

The Syrian Rebels’ New Prime Minister Is a Texan

The Syrian Rebels’ New Prime Minister Is a Texan — Yes, Really! | Video |

Only in Obama Times could you imagine something this unusual.

Even the movies can't outdo this plot.

Were Saudis Behind Benghazi Attack?

Were Saudis Behind Benghazi Attack?

Obama's Newest Partner In Crime

Obama's Newest Partner In Crime
An investigator is currently trudging through Stratfor’s emails and has come to some troubling finds concerning the Obama administration, which we will be reporting on in the coming weeks.
One such discovery is that it appears Obama and the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Erdogan (who is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood), conspired to topple the governments of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.
Why would Obama side with the Muslim Brotherhood?

It is shocking, I say, just shocking based on all the "good" HE has done for America.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Legislating from the Bench on Gay Marriage

Articles: Legislating from the Bench on Gay Marriage

This Supreme(less) Court is just another example of how bad our "government" is broken.

Uncontrollable Debt, Money Laundering, Unconstitutional Appointments, Illegal Orders, Standard Procedure to Lie to US and UN, Promoting Illegal Immigration,  Selective Enforcement of Laws, etc.

If it's illegal and unconstitutional and they aren't doing it, then there must have just overlooked it, for now.

Citizens of the US, this country is in BIG TROUBLE.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Obama finds creative means to bypass Congress

Forget executive orders: Obama finds creative means to bypass Congress - Washington Times
Move over executive orders. President Obama has another tool to push policy absent congressional stamp — and it’s far less known and controversial. It’s called executive action.
The beauty of the action is that it avoids Republican criticisms and conservative charges that Mr. Obama acts like a “monarch” when issuing executive orders, The Hill reports. So while on paper, Mr. Obama may actually appear as if he’s issuing fewer executive orders than many other presidents who have served two terms, the reality is he’s still finding plenty of ways to bypass Congress. He’s just not calling those ways executive orders.
Resident Obama, orders He is King.

He can do it too, when the Repubs don't even see what's going on. 
They are too busy imitating the Libs.

This US "Ruller" is just a narcissistic crook that is joined by the rest of the Liberal crooks.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CIA Partners With Amazon For Cloud Surveillance & RFID Locators CIA Partners With Amazon For Cloud Surveillance &; RFID Locators

The Cloud is about as private as a nudist.

The Liberal worm squirms its way into everything You do.

That homosexual worm carries a lot of weight with the Libs.

Where does Sharia Law Stand on Polygamy?

The Supreme Court Has Already Ruled on Homosexual Marriage
In The Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. United States (1890), the court determined that “[t]he organization of a community for the spread and practice of polygamy is, in a measure, a return to barbarism. It is contrary to the spirit of Christianity and of the civilization which Christianity had produced in the Western world.”
If the Supreme Court rules to strike down the decision of the voters of California to prohibit homosexual marriage, there won’t be anything standing in the way of people who want to have multiple husbands and wives.
Does anyone know where Sharia Law stands on polygamy? 

Watch the Liberal Worm Squirm!

‘Constabulary force’ coming?

Special Forces commander: ‘Constabulary force’ coming
In all, Lt. Gen. Boykin spent 36 years in the army, serving his last four years as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.
On the video, Boykin explains simply that he knows the standard process for creating a socialist or Marxist state because he studied it as a military officer.
His concern is that the six steps “done in every Marxist insurgency” now “are being done in America today.” He lists them: 1. nationalize major sections of the economy (the corporate bailouts), 2. redistribute wealth (the man appointed to head Medicare said health care is “nothing but a redistribution of wealth”), 3. discredit opposition (Boykin said he’s “never been so angry” as when the Obama administration called returning vets, pro-lifers and others a terror threat), 4. censorship (since old guard media already was in line, Obama’s censorship has been through “hate crimes” legislation aimed at Christian pastors and others), 5. gun control (see Washington’s present agenda), and 6. a constabulary force.
That would be “a force that can control the population,” Boykin warned.
Does anyone trust this Regime after all the harm they have done, and all the illegalities they have used?

Remember you do so at your own risk!

Big Sis Attempting to Exhaust Ammo Supplies

Prison » Weapons Manufacturer: Big Sis Attempting to Exhaust Ammo Supplies
The weapons manufacturer agreed, adding that the deals the DHS is agreeing with manufacturers are based on, “indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity,” allowing the feds to monopolize the supply on ammo by preventing companies from selling the bullets to the commercial market.

Private Investigator Rips Media Over Obama's Use Of Bogus Social Security Number

Audio: Private Investigator Rips Media Over Obama's Use Of Bogus Social Security Number | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


30637 Untitled_FINAL.pdf - LevinEpilogue.pdf
It is neither prudential nor virtuous to downplay or dismiss the
obvious—that America has already transformed into
The centralization and consolidation of power in a political class
that insulates its agenda in entrenched experts and administrators,
whose authority is also self-perpetuating, is apparent all around us
and growing more formidable.
Mark Levin has nailed it.  It took time to register with me.
There may be some subtle difference,  but Ameritopia we have.

His Road to Recovery

» Video: Hundreds Of DHS Armored Trucks On The Move? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

I've got an idea.  Why doesn't government just buy everything to fix the economy?  Just think, that will make the economy look good and inflate the selling price at the same time.  They can print as much money as they need.  Then they can just give the goods to whoever they deem "Needy or Subservient!"

What a solution.  Wish I had thought of that.  "Don't need no stinkin Executive Office, Congress, Courts, States, or Governors, when you have This Dictator."  Hey, that saves money too, but who cares when you have it all, or none?

Now I see how it works, "We are on HIS road to recovery."

Is Quantitative Easing a Good Thing?

Can It Happen Here? | RealClearPolitics
One of the big differences between the United States and Cyprus is that the U.S. government can simply print more money to get out of a financial crisis. But Cyprus cannot print more euros, which are controlled by international institutions.
Does that mean that Americans' money is safe in banks? Yes and no.
The U.S. government is very unlikely to just seize money wholesale from people's bank accounts, as is being done in Cyprus. But does that mean that your life savings are safe?
No. There are more sophisticated ways for governments to take what you have put aside for yourself and use it for whatever the politicians feel like using it for. If they do it slowly but steadily, they can take a big chunk of what you have sacrificed for years to save, before you are even aware, much less alarmed.
That is in fact already happening. When officials of the Federal Reserve System speak in vague and lofty terms about "quantitative easing," what they are talking about is creating more money out of thin air, as the Federal Reserve is authorized to do -- and has been doing in recent years, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars a month.
When the federal government spends far beyond the tax revenues it has, it gets the extra money by selling bonds. The Federal Reserve has become the biggest buyer of these bonds, since it costs them nothing to create more money.
This new money buys just as much as the money you sacrificed to save for years. More money in circulation, without a corresponding increase in output, means rising prices. Although the numbers in your bank book may remain the same, part of the purchasing power of your money is transferred to the government. Is that really different from what Cyprus has done?
Sounds like Fed "Monetary Policy" is, "you can't have too much of a good thing?"

Or just, Obama Times?

The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Just a reminder of what is happening to America.

PRUDEN: Evolution of the wedding party - Washington Times

PRUDEN: Evolution of the wedding party - Washington Times
Nobody wants another 40 years of angry debate and contentious argument over a “right” found not in the Constitution but in a “penumbra,” like the one the high court found to support Roe v. Wade. If the justices find another one the debate will no more end than a penumbra ended the abortion debate. Like the abortion debate, the same-sex marriage argument is one between personal convenience and moral conviction.
Pruden, as always, just about sums it up.

Eighty-Six Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

Eighty-Six Articles of Impeachment Against Obama | sharia unveiled

Just a short list of Articles Impeachment.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Are Liberals the Real Enemy?

Theo Spark: "Liberals With Guns!" - Wild Bill

Wild Bill presents some evidence that it may be so.

Thanks to Don for the link.

How Did Liberalism Became Our State Religion?

Worshipping the State
Historically, liberalism is a top-down revolution. It uses the power of the government to reform society—through control of public education, through the courts, through executive orders, through bureaucratic agencies. All organs of the state.
Liberals look to the state, in the way that Christianity looks to the church—as the institution responsible for evangelizing society. When persuasion doesn’t work (through public education or media propaganda), they resort to the blunt use of judicial fiat.
“What is the government doing deciding what marriage is?”

It's a Liberal thing!

By the way, how did California vote on Prop 8?  Surprise?

The Obama Record - Summing It Up

The Obama Record -

It ain't pretty.

Karl Marx, Davis, and Obama and the American Dream

Articles: Karl Marx and the American Dream
When was the last time you heard some politician calling for any of the following?

1)      A heavily progressive income tax.  The more you make, the more they'll take.  The rich are to pay their "fair share."  We just had one of the biggest tax increases in American history starting January 1, but this hasn't stopped liberal politicians from demanding more hikes.

2)      Seizing of inheritances.  One of the most insidious taxes around is the death tax.  Grieving families are forced to give half or more of their loved ones' property to the government.  Interestingly enough, this idea is now working its way into gun control legislation.  There are calls for "assault weapons" being forfeited at their owners' death.

3)      Government takeover of the credit system.  Already the government owns loans on a lot of houses.  ObamaCare mandates that only the government can now give student loans.  Meanwhile, the government is its own biggest debtor, swelling the amount we owe to levels never before seen in world history.

4)      A takeover of the media.  From "non Citizen" legislation, which would stop groups and businesses from speaking during elections to media "bailouts," which would come with government strings, or just outright nationalizations of media outlets, the government has big ideas for a "transformation" of the meaning of "free speech."

5)      Overhaul of transportation.  How often do we hear the phrase "shovel-ready jobs" or "roads and bridges"?  They are pushing a train from Las Vegas to LA and another train that will run down the California coast.  Transportation projects are a popular subject, even as the government coffers shrink and the costs of such projects explode.

6)      Regulations of industry, especially in an environmental sense.  Obama has one of the most active and overbearing EPAs since that agency was founded.

7)      Expansion of education.  Everyone shall go to school -- kindergarten through college -- and it will all be paid for by the government.

8)      Government ownership of business.  We've already watched the government gobble up the banks and auto-makers.  Now we're watching them take over the medical system.  Gun companies are probably on the horizon as well.

How many of these ideas sound familiar?  Every single one of them is laid out in the Communist Manifesto as a way to destroy the middle class.  Every single one.  Forget good-sounding talk about "fair shares" and making the evil rich pay.  They're coming after you, Mr. and Mrs. American.

Marx gave those ideas above their own bullet points in the Manifesto, but he had other ideas.  Would you like to hear some of those?

1)      Abolition of borders.  The lower class (the "proletariat," as Marx called them) need to be free to move to other nations -- the better to corrupt the vote in those places.

2)      A takeover of education.  Not just through government ownership, but through like-minded Communists and Socialists populating the educators and lecturing students about the goodness of Marxism.  The results have made a profound difference in our culture.

Every single time these ideas are implemented, the middle class takes more damage, which in turn leads to the bourgeoisie Marxists calling for more Marxism -- and the little merry-go-round keeps spinning in the halls of our government.

All of this is culminating exactly as Marx envisioned: a healthy, prosperous ruling elite lording it over a rapidly growing population of serfs.  This hasn't been lost on the people paying attention: California is becoming a feudal society.  There are stories leaking out that the same thing is happening in other liberal Marxist enclaves like New York and Washington, D.C.

This is a huge problem for our government, our system, our culture, and our society -- namely because the United States is a middle-class dream.  The Founding Fathers were all from the "bourgeoisie" who rebelled because the government in England didn't feel that it had to respond to the concerns of peasants and underlings.

The idea that someone can start with nothing and, using hard work, creativity, and ingenuity, raise himself to a higher level is the American Dream.  To own one's own house, own one's own car, to start a business, to work where one chooses, to take risks and reap the rewards of those risks -- that's the American Dream.  It's why immigrants used to sacrifice everything to come here: the idea that one's birth wouldn't dictate his entire life and how far he could go.  People are still willing to risk their lives for this.  People are not locked into a caste system in America. 

And all of that is anathema to the Marxist vision.  Even Marx himself admits this:

Modern industry has established the world market, for which the discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land. This development has, in turn, reacted on the extension of industry; and in proportion as industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in the same proportion the bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and pushed into the background every class handed down from the Middle Ages. (The Communist Manifesto)
 Read more:
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Frank Marshall Davis (Obama) follows the Marx Dream!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Government Cover-up of Ammo Buys

Prison » Government Cover-up of Ammo Buys Implodes

The Plot Thickens--If Media Matters is involved then you know it's anti-American and more Regime corruption.

Redefining marriage, where do we stop?

DORAN: Once we start redefining marriage, where do we stop? - Washington Times
If we are going to alter the definition of marriage to include relationships other than one man and one woman, aren’t we entitled to a rational explanation for why the following are nonsensical scenarios?
Why can’t four consenting men and three consenting women who desire to marry, marry? What is so special about two-person marriage if traditional marriage is no longer special? Haven’t the rights of these four men and three woman been abridged by preventing them from marrying?
Why can’t 12-year old boys and girls who are more intellectually advanced and more emotionally mature than many adults marry?
Why can’t a Muslim man and 50 consenting women who desire to establish a harem marry? 
Many modern Americans – just look at groups like PETA and Earth First – believe that other animals should have the same rights as human “animals.” Already, cats and dogs enjoy greater legal protection than human fetuses in the womb. So, why shouldn’t a man who wants to ensure that his pet is cared for after he dies be allowed to marry his pet?
Once the relationship between one man and one woman is no longer special and uniquely sanctioned, none of these alternate “unions” can be summarily dismissed. Yet if any union of any number of consenting persons can be considered “marriage,” then the potential for abuse and mistreatment is multiplied, even more so with children who are involved in these menages.

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Just becoming standard procedure in Liberal (Obama) Times:
Class Warfare, Economic Warfare, Moral Warfare, Religious Warfare, Sex Warfare, Gender Warfare, Language Warfare, Education Warfare, Tax Warfare, etc.
Just divide and conquer. 

The Gullible, The Not Informed, and the Political Correct are the best Solders in this Atheist Battle championed by The Wizards of Smart Libs.

You have so much freedom, that before you know it, you have no freedom. 

Are Humans really no different than other animals, or are the Libs just animals?

GOP Must Make the Moral Case for Conservatism

Jeff Sessions: GOP Must Make the Moral Case for Conservatism
But I’ve come to see these slanders up close and personal.  And we’re determined to rebut them.  Now, not only will we rebut these attacks — David, you’ve been giving me encouragement in this thing — we’re going to rebut these attacks, but we’ll explain how our policies will work, will rescue and uplift Americans that are hurting and economically trapped by the failed government programs.  I think that’s what we have to do.
All of us here in this room tonight know that as conservatives we’re motivated by deep conviction — that with free markets, free people thrive.  That uplifts the poor, while state-dominated economies produce human misery, social destruction and economic suffering, environmental degradation and lots of other problems.  And we are motivated by the deepest concern for those who are struggling to get by and are determined to defend our heritage, our history of values that have made this country the most prosperous the world has ever known.
We love our fellow citizens.  We know they’re hurting.  But we believe the values that made America great are the things that will be most beneficial to them.  We oppose federal spending programs and policies that already are hurting them every day and could result in a disaster in the future.
Finally a strategy that makes sense.

The Manual Coding On Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Proves It's Not Legit - YouTube

The Manual Coding On Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Proves It's Not Legit - YouTube

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Selections" Replace "Elections" in Obama Times

Selections In the Politically Correct Society of Obama Times?

Do Race, Color, Looks, Big Ears, Teleprompter Lies, and False Intentions trump Character, Morality, Honesty, Virtue, and Patriotism in Obama Times?

In 2008, an Illegal, Undocumented, Radical, Anti-Constitutional Obama/Davis/Soetoro/? "won" the election with nothing more than the slogan "Hope and Change."

Pre Obama Times:  (Pre 2008)

LIBS had, and still have, Political Correct as their Religion.
LIBS had, and still have, the Obama Media to misrepresent, cover, and present the Obama Propaganda as LIBS instructs them to do.    
LIBS had, and still have, the Soros Machine for Money and "Hidden" Control.
LIBS had, and still have, Saudi Arabia Oil Money to finance campaigns.
LIBS had, and still have, Center for Anti-American Politics running the show, but now from the inside.
LIBS must have had, and still have, the Clinton UnEthical Underground guiding and directing the Obama "Change."

Obama Times  (2008--    )

LIBS have the Holder Injustice Department protecting Voter Fraud and adding Illegal Voters.
LIBS have the Holder "Courts" creating laws and protecting the guilty.
LIBS have the Holder ATF providing weapons to cartels.
LIBS have the Holder ICE recruiting voters from abroad.
LIBS have the SuSpineless Court to make and verify Unconstitutional Law.
LIBS have the Homeland Insecurity flooding the voter rolls with Illegal's.
LIBS have the Health and Inhumane Services selectively intimidating the voter.
LIBS have the Health and Insurance Destruction Act (ObamaCare) to ration Voter's welfare.
LIBS have the Dudd Frank Legislation as a revenue intimidation means.
LIBS have the Federal Preserve funding unlawful projects.
LIBS have the NonDefense Department raising revenue overseas.
LIBS have the CY(I)A Department to hide, or alter, inconvenient truths.
LIBS have the EPA selectively extorting funds from business.
LIBS have the ORS (formally the IRS) selectively collecting funds.
LIBS have the No-Opposition Party to present the "opposition".
LIBS have the Congressional "NoEthics" Panels to hide Ethics Violations.
LIBS have the Debt Machine cranking to bankrupt America.
LIBS have the SOL Department surrendering in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, etc.

Your time to Elect which society you want to live in has past.  

Elections didn't work for America's interest in Pre Obama Times much less in Obama Times!

America will have "Selections" in Obama Times.  

God Bless America

Is Obama A Manchurian President?

The Manchurian President

Facts are Stubborn Things!

Obama, or Alinsky, in speech to young Israelis

Obama quotes Alinsky in speech to young Israelis
Obama told a crowd of college students at Jerusalem’s main convention center that Israel “has the wisdom to see the world as it is, but also the courage to see the world as it should be.”
One of Alinsky’s major themes was working with the world as it “is” to turn it into the world as “it should be.”
In his defining work, “Rules for Radicals,” which he dedicated to “the first rebel,” Lucifer, Alinsky used those words to lay out his main agenda. He asserted radical change must be brought about by working within a system instead of attacking it from the outside.
“It is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. That means working in the system,” wrote Alinsky.
Don't you just love the way this ILLEGAL ALINSKY RADICAL is destroying America, and now Israel too?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Where Did Syria’s Chemical Weapons Originate?

Guess where Syria’s chemical weapons originate
Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely says he has confirmation that Syrian forces have used chemical weapons against rebel forces and civilians, and those weapons are likely stockpiles received from Iraq prior to the U.S.-led invasion 10 years ago.
Surprise Surprise! 
How inconvenient for the Lib Regime.

The Price of Gay Marriage:

Articles: The Price of Gay Marriage: The Galvanic Corrosion of Language
One of the more incomprehensible aspects of the gay marriage movement has been the spectacle of well-educated academics, plaintiff's lawyers, politicians, judges and Protestant clergymen designing tortured arguments for deconstructing natural law, human biology, the history of civilization, language and logic.  On the other hand, creating a new class of civil rights amidst claims of discrimination is easy when your world view equates justice with moral equivalence, accompanied by enabling the slow corruption of language.
That just about sums it up.

Abramoff: Melgen-Menendez Relationship 'Bribery'

Abramoff: 'No Question' Melgen-Menendez Relationship 'Bribery'
“The same thing never stopped happening,” Abramoff told Breitbart News. “Ninety-nine percent of what I did was legal; that’s the problem. Not the one or three things that I did that were illegal. That wasn’t the issue. The real issue is not necessarily what I went to prison for, but the real issue is the sleaze of it all is legal.
Late Tuesday evening, Politico uncovered that Melgen cozied up to President Barack Obama by posing for a photo with him and flew Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on his private jet. Abramoff said that the photo with Obama is more than it appears on the surface.
“Just getting your picture with the president – a lot of people look at that and go ‘eh, you know, who cares?’ – well, I’ll tell you who cares: He cares,” Abramoff said. “Now I don’t know him and I don’t know exactly what he was doing but I’ve seen it many times where somebody will literally use a picture of themselves with the president of the United States as a calling card of credibility to be able to move along in the bureaucracy." 
"He’s already got a powerful senator, chairman of the foreign relations committee now but has always been very powerful, in Menendez doing his bidding," Abramoff continued. "While it’s unlikely that Obama would personally get involved to help him, [Menendez and his cohorts] all knew what he was up to. They're all involved in politics. They all know what guys like this use pictures with the president of the United States for.”
As for Reid’s connections to Melgen, Abramoff said the Senate Majority Leader is “one of the dirtiest players in the Senate,” so it does not surprise him at all. “He knows how to sniff money out of anywhere,” Abramoff said. “It’s par for the Harry Reid course. He’s been doing it for years and he gets away with it because he’s got a media that’s complicit, except for you guys in new media."
Let's see what happens to the Libs.  I'm betting that nothing happens.

Thomas Perez--the Next Radical Test--UNCHECKED

Thomas Perez - Discover the Networks

Perez is just the next test to see if the Regime can anoint an appointee more radical and destrctive than the last.

The Repubs are clueless?
They spend their "time" joining the Libs on Illegal Immigration and makeover election polls created to help Libs gain more Illegal voters?
They "Trust" Obama?
Debt isn't short-term problem?
They fold their only winning card by joining the Regime on "appropriations" thru Sept.  
      (Except for 25 Repubs and 1 Dem)  (Note: Cornyn isn't one of the 25)

Summary of the InAction--So Far
Regime Racial Profiling approval--in process with Perez
Regime Budget--unchecked
Regime Illegal Executive Orders and appointees--unchecked
Regime Executive Privilege--uncheck
Regime Fast and Furious Injustice Department--unchecked
Regime Benghazi Murders--unchecked
Regime Intentional Lying to US, Congress and UN--unchecked
Regime Sec. of Defense--unchecked
Regime CIA Director--unchecked
Regime Homeland Insecurity Prisoner Release--unchecked
Regime Obamacare "Tax"--unchecked
Regime Controlled "Illegal (2) Supreme Court Appointees"--unchecked
Regime Intentional Economic Destruction--unchecked
Regime Voter Fraud--unchecked
Regime Fraudulent Records and Obama Background--unchecked (Ethics?)

Damn America--"Change this Regime is Intentionally Implementing"--UNCHECKED

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Real Alinsky Rules Of Obama

The Real Alinsky Rules Of Obama - Freedom Outpost
“And so the guided questioning goes on without anyone losing face or being left out of the decision-making. Every weakness of every proposed tactic is probed by questions…. Is this manipulation? Certainly….” p.88
“One of the factors that changes what you can and can’t communicate is relationships. There are sensitive areas that one does not touch until there is a strong personal relationship based on common involvements. Otherwise the other party turns off and literally does not hear….
“Conversely, if you have a good relationship, he is very receptive…. For example, I have always believed that birth control and abortion are personal rights to be exercised by the individual. If, in my early days when I organized… neighborhood in Chicago, which was 95 per cent Roman Catholic, I had tried to communicate this, even through the experience of the residents, whose economic plight was aggravated by large families, that would have been the end of my relationship with the community. That instant I would have been stamped as an enemy of the church and all communication would have ceased.
“Some years later, after establishing solid relationships, I was free to talk about anything…. By then the argument was no longer limited to such questions as, ‘How much longer do you think the Catholic Church can hang on to this archaic notion and still survive?’ …the subject and nature of the discussion would have been unthinkable without that solid relationship.” pp.93-94
"CoreRelation" of Alinsky, Davis, Obama, Hillary, and guess who? 

Sen. Cruz Offering an Amendment to Defund Obamacare

Sen. Ted Cruz Delivers First Major Floor Speech Offering an Amendment to Defund Obamacare - YouTube

Sen. Cruz had already offered Amendment to repeal Obamacare.

"Trust in Ted"

Monday, March 18, 2013

General counsel for the U.S. Congress Dodges Responsibility

Update: Press release. General counsel for the U.S. Congress responds to subpoenas for some of the Congressmen. | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
U.S. House of Representatives House of General Counsel Kerry Kirchner through his deputy William Pittard  is responding to Subpoenas served on some of the  members of the U.S. Congress (not all) by attorney Taitz.
He claims that the subloenas are too burdensome, that they are vague and that it is a priviledged information.
Answer from the Deputy General Counsel of the US Congress.
It is shocking that posting a few checks in a questionaire is burdensome for the members of the U.S. Congress, particularly when the evidence shows that the person sitting in the White House in the position of the U.S. President is using all forged and stolen IDs. It is shcking that answering a few questions, whether the Department of Justice sought their consent to file a motion to dismiss or not, is vague for so many grown up people, who are highly educated, and most of them are attorneys. A 10 year old would not find these questions vague. See the questionnare below .
More information on Attorney Orly Taitz will be taking appropriate actions in response.
Law offices of Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Ethics in Congress be damned!

Pat Caddell Goes Off on GOP at CPAC |

Exclusive PolitiChicks Video: Pat Caddell Goes Off on GOP at CPAC |

This Freshman Congressman Explains What's Wrong with Wash.

Congressman: 'We are going from catastrophe to catastrophe' | The Daily Caller

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Palin--Background Checks Should Start with Obama's!

Palin calls Obama a liar in speech to conservative activists | Reuters

"More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President. Should have started with yours," she said in a speech peppered with one-liners and folksy language.

Palin called on Republicans to stick to conservative principles as they learn lessons from Obama's 2012 election victory over Mitt Romney.

"We're not here to put a fresh coat of rhetorical paint on our party. We're not here to abandon our principles in a contest of government giveaways. That's a game we will never, ever win. We're here to restore America," she said.
Does a false SS# disqualify you?  It doesn't disqualify Obama.

Tom Perez, another Obama Jewel?

Tom Perez: Obama’s Radical Labor Secretary Nominee
Now an assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice, Perez is a former top aide to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and possibly a perjurer, which makes him a perfect fit for the ethically-challenged Obama cabinet.
Republicans are just slow learners.

Obama plays Republicans for fools--again.

Republicans fold their cards as soon as they are dealt, but sometimes even before they are dealt.

When you are in trouble stop digging.

Why the trump card first?

These are just some of the old strategy sayings that fit the RINO Republicans.

They have the power to survive, but only use it to concede.

God help US!


Florida GOP PV - cpac-straw-poll-2013-results.pdf

Obama Fraud Presented To Members Of US Congress?

BREAKNG NEWS – Orly Taitz Discusses Obama Fraud To Members Of US Congress At CPAC | The Obama Hustle
Press Release
Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Mrgarita, ste 100
Dr. and Attorney Orly Taitz is currently a VIP attendee of CPAC convention. She personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Lou Gohmert, Senator Jim Inhofe, Congressman Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint.
During the conversation with Congressman Gohmert Taitz was surrounded by multiple reporters, who took pictures and recorded on  video tape the conversation. Taitz showed Gohmert Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, that he is using a stolen SSN. Taitz advised Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appered before Judge England, stating that they represent the US  Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama’s electoral votes. I asked, if he as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee indeed felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether he indeed directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that the Department of Justice never gave him any papers.
Later reporters, who witnessed te conversation took more in depth interviews, among them reporters from US News and World Report, National Reviews and a reporter from Australian TV.
Senator Inhofe similarly did not know anything about it. The conversation took place in front of the talk show host Rusty Humphries. Taitz talked to Congressman Steven King. He said that if Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it.
He stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallos stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King.
As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorneyor the US Congress, but raher as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama..
Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking the supporters to spread the word. If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate.
Additionally Taitz did some 10 interviews to different stations and reporters. Those interviews should be on line shortly.    –
Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411  fax949-766-7603
The Plot Thickens!

CPAC Calibration Speech from 2009

Rush's First Televised Address to the Nation: Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Speech - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Dump Holder

Weekly Update: Dump Holder

Only in Washington can this corruption be considered business as usual even in Obama Times.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Donald Trump speak at CPAC 2013

FULL VIDEO: Watch Donald Trump speak at CPAC 2013 » The Right Scoop -

Paul Ryan speak at CPAC 2013

FULL SPEECH: Watch Paul Ryan speak at CPAC 2013 » The Right Scoop -

Congressmen were clueless DOJ Acted on their Behalf in Grinols Case!

Press release: Taitz talks to 4 congressmen and multiple members of the media during CPAC. Congressmen are stating that the Department of Justice, who supposedly acted on their behalf in Grinols case never forwarded to them any documents, they were clueless. | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Mrgarita, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Dr. and Attorney Orly Taitz is currently a VIP attendee og CPAC convention. She personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Loui Gohmert, Senator Jim Inhofe, Congressman Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint.
During the conversation with Congressman Gohmert Taitz was surrounded by multiple reporters, who took pictures and recorded on  video tape the conversation. Taitz showed Gohmert Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, that he is using a stolen SSN. Taitz advised Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appeared before Judge England, stating that they represent the US Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama’s electoral votes. I asked, if he as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee indeed felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether he indeed directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that the Department of Justice never gave him any papers.
Later reporters, who witnessed the conversation took more in depth interviews, among them reporters from US News and World Report, National Reviews and a reporter from Australian TV.
Senator Inhofe similarly did not know anything about it. The conversation took place in front of the talk show host Rusty Humphries . Taitz talked to Congressman Steven King. He said that if the Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it.
He stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallops stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King.
As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorney for the US Congress, but rather as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama..
Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking the supporters to spread the word. If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate.
Additionally Taitz did some 10 interviews for  different stations and reporters. Those interviews should be on line shortly.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Peter Robinson Interview of Senator Ted Cruz

Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson: Senator Ted Cruz -

This was a fantastic interview.

I had some problems at times with data, but stick it out.

This guy could be the REAL.

Thanks to Rita for this link.

Marco Rubio Speaks at CPAC 2013

FULL SPEECH: Watch Marco Rubio speak at CPAC 2013 » The Right Scoop -

Rand Paul Speaks at CPAC 2013

FULL SPEECH: Watch Rand Paul speak at CPAC 2013 » The Right Scoop -

Ted Cruz Educates the Committee on The Constitution

Explosive Exchange at Gun Hearing Between Ted Cruz and Dianne Feinstein | The Weekly Standard

And they need it.

It's not in this segment, but he reminds them that they take an oath to protect The Constitution, not just make a law and see if it is upheld by The Supreme Court.

IMPEACH OBAMA--Some Points to Ponder


As with everything in Obama Times, it isn't clear Obama can be impeached since he was never legal to begin with.  

Mark Levin calls out Obama and Democrats

FULL INTERVIEW: Mark Levin calls out Obama and Democrats on Hannity TV show » The Right Scoop -

FULL SPEECH: Allen West at CPAC 2013

FULL SPEECH: Allen West at CPAC 2013 » The Right Scoop -

Thanks to Rita for locating this site.

Full Speech: Allen West at CPAC 2012

Full Speech: Allen West at CPAC 2012 » The Right Scoop -

Let's See if Obama's Willing to Shut Down Gov't to Fund Obamacare

Cruz: Let's See if Obama's Willing to Shut Down Gov't to Fund Obamacare | CNS News Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced an amendment on Wednesday that would cut off all funds for Obamacare, a step he said Republicans should support and, if it were to pass in the House as well, could be sent to President Barack Obama to see if he’s “willing to try to shut the government down” over funding of the Affordable Care Act.
Go Ted Go!

Alabama Obama Identity Document Fraud Case

Hugh McInnish Reports Progress In The Long War Over Obama's Birth Certificate |
Briefly, we are claiming that the Secretary of State has failed in her duty to verify the eligibility of the presidential candidates, especially in the case of one Barack Obama, and we are asking for a writ of mandamus directing her to demand from Obama a bona fide birth certificate.
This could get interesting.

1936 Redux - Who Says History Repeats Itself?

1936 Redux - It's Really Never Different This Time | Zero Hedge

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

CPAC 2013 Schedule

CPAC 2013 Schedule

March 14 thru March 16, 2013

Obama Killing Military Commissions?

While You Weren’t Looking, Obama Kills Military Commissions - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online
According to a government press release, prosecutors plan to prove the overall al-Qaeda conspiracy against Abu Ghayth — going back to 1989 and “including the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, which killed approximately 2,976 people.”
Understand what this means. Other than the relative notoriety of the culprits, bringing Abu Ghayth to New York is no different from bringing KSM to New York for a civilian trial. The Obama administration’s intention is to try the same case against Abu Ghayth that it planned to present against KSM. This is a bold presidential decision to undermine military commissions and to proclaim that the civilian courts are the government’s venue of choice for all terrorism cases — even those against wartime enemy combatants.
Another Regime action that benefits and aids the enemy.
Looking good for Obama, Holder, and our enemy, again.
Am I detecting a trend here?

Holder sure showed us.  Instead of being with a law firm that represented terrorist, Holder and Obama have just moved their actions to represent them inside the Injustice Department.

The question is, who, besides America is paying for this injustice now that Holder has established kangaroo court for terrorist inside government agency.
The benefit could be a virtually unlimited source of Obama campaign funds from enemy states.

American Justice be Damned!

Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ

Rule of Law » Breaking: Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ
by J. Christian Adams
Today the Department of Justice inspector general released a report on potential Labor secretary nominee Tom Perez’s DOJ Civil Rights Division. The timing of the release to coincide with his nomination was certainly accidental, because the report paints a damning portrait of the DOJ unit he managed.
The full report is here.
The 250-page report offers an inside glimpse of systemic racialist dysfunction inside one of the most powerful federal government agencies.
The report was prepared in response to Representative Frank Wolf’s (R-VA) outrage over the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal.  In response to the report, Rep. Wolf said today, the “report makes clear that the division has become a rat’s nest of unacceptable and unprofessional actions, and even outright threats against career attorneys and systemic mismanagement.”
Former Voting Section Chief Chris Coates and I both testified about the hostility towards race-neutral law enforcement by the Justice Department.
Today’s report paints a disgusting portrait, confirming our accounts.
If this doesn't prove this Regime is corrupt, or on the wrong side, nothing does.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Invest in Meat, if you can afford it!

Cattle (Industry) Prod: USDA meat-labeling rules stir backlash | Fox News
The Department of Agriculture recently proposed the new rule for labeling muscle cuts of meat. That means beef, veal, lamb, pork, goat and chicken -- which are now labeled as simply a product of one country or more -- will have to include additional details including where each animal was born, raised and slaughtered.
Don't you just love how the Administration can destroy any good thing in America.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hope Rides Alone by Sgt. Eddie Jeffers, USA (Iraq)

The New Media Journal | Hope Rides Alone by Sgt. Eddie Jeffers, USA (Iraq)

Sgt. Eddie Jeffers, USA (Iraq)
Sgt. Eddie Jeffers was killed on September 19, 2007. He was a US Army Infantryman serving in Ramadi, Iraq. He was 23.  

Thought you might want to hear from someone that was fighting for you and me.

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security?

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes
If Obama doesn’t show any leadership on this matter it’s an opportunity for Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, to summon Secretary Napolitano over for a little national conversation. Madame Secretary?  Buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and deploying armored personnel carriers runs contrary, in every way, to what “homeland security” really means.  Discuss.
 Or is this just preparation for the next Coup?

Time may be limited if Congress finds out who Obama really is.

Bolton: Israel has ‘very short period of time’

Bolton: Israel has ‘very short period of time’ to strike Iran. Warns Tehran will soon possess nukes beyond Jewish state’s reach « Klein Online

Bolton is one of the best.

'Libya policy was an unmitigated disaster,' or Another Coup?

'Libya policy was an unmitigated disaster...Things like Benghazi were entirely predictable' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

It wasn't a disaster for The Muslim Brotherhood!
Worked as planned.
We just won't face up to the fact of which side this Regime is really on. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Real Tail Behind the Hyped Employment Numbers

To praise the February jobs report is to embrace the New Normal economy | AEIdeas
Now here’s some of what those headline numbers miss:  Check the link above.
Only in Obama Times.

Morsi Preoccupied with Islamizing Egypt?

Kerry talks economics, finds Morsi preoccupied with Islamizing Egypt

Surprise?  Maybe Morsi is helping Obama with Islamizing America at the same time?

Rand Paul: Our Constitution is Important

Rand Paul: Why I Did What I Did | CowboyByte

As Rand Paul would say, Now You Know the Real Story.

I just made that up.

Elections 101

Email shows Blueprint NC engaging in partisan strategizing | Washington Free Beacon
A nonprofit organization in North Carolina funded by progressive mega-donor George Soros has been linked to a partisan strategy memo aimed at derailing the state Republican leadership’s legislative agenda, throwing light on the shadowy network of liberal groups that operate in the state.
The memo surfaced as part of a set of leaked documents that also contained liberal talking points and polling data. Stephanie Bass, the communications director for the liberal nonprofit group Blueprint NC, allegedly emailed out the documents.
Note Blueprint NC strategy is from a "non partisan" organization.

Some might consider it Election Fraud, but not this Injustice Department.  It's just business as usual.

Is Obama, the Marxist, Preparing for Civil War?

Is a Civil War Coming?
The dirty little secret about Marxists is that the moral outrage they have about the poor, about gun violence, about war, and even about the environment (so-called “global warming,” now rebranded as “climate change”) is that these are all simply tools to set up a totalitarian government. A so-called utopia where “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is not determined by the individual, but according to an elite bureaucracy.
America isn't the first country to go down this path, but will America be the last?

As the quote goes, "It's looking good so far."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Letter to Current Resident in the White House

Letter To Obama at Whitehouse Sent from 95 year Old Pearl Harbor Survivor !! Fantastic!!

This venerable and much honored WW II vet is well known in Hawaii
for his seventy-plus years of service to patriotic organizations and causes all over the country. A humble man without a political bone in his body, he has never spoken out before about a government official, until now. He dictated this letter to a friend, signed it and mailed it to the president.

Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor , allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.

One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man.

So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of.
You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like:
" We're no longer a Christian nation"
" America is arrogant" - (Your wife even
announced to the world," America is mean-
spirited. " Please tell her to try preaching
that nonsense to 23 generations of our
war dead buried all over the globe who
died for no other reason than to free a
whole lot of strangers from tyranny and
I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said," America hasn't lived up to her ideals."

Which ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British? Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War? I hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.

I don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue . You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don't want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don't mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don't want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you're thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president.
You're not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now.
And I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle...

Harold B. Estes
Thanks to Ramona for sending this letter.

U.S. Economy, World's Engine, Remains in 'neutral'

U.S. Economy, World's Engine, Remains in 'neutral' -Fed's Fisher
"It is not possible to create jobs through monetary policy alone," Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher said at a World Affairs Council of San Antonio event. "The U.S. remains the economic engine of the world ... it's not China, it's not Europe, it's the U.S., and the U.S. remains in neutral."
Libs don't listen to Fisher.  He knows what he's talking about.

How you are paying for "too-big-to-jail"

How you are paying for "too-big-to-jail" - Yahoo! Finance
"I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that ... if we do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy," Holder said on Tuesday. "I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large."
Next step, just Nationalize them.

Politics Trump National Security

Center for Security Policy | Putting politics over public safety
President Obama’s record of putting his partisan political interests ahead of the best interests and even the safety of the American people is unconscionable.  The Senate must not condone this practice, let alone contribute to it, by confirming one of its prime-movers, John Brennan, as the next CIA Director.
As I have asked before, Which side is Obama on?

His actions are building quite a strong history regarding this question.

Justice Sanders: Case of Linda Jordan against Obama re SS#

Justice Sanders: Obama Identity Document Fraud Case Not Frivolous - YouTube

Democratic Party certified Obama's eligibility therefore it is Congress responsibility.

This is an interview with previous Washington State Supreme Court Justice from 1995 to 2010.

Interview starts about 2:30.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Barack Obama -- Bona Fides

Barack Obama -- Bona Fides

Some skeptical readers suggest that since they haven't seen the fraudulent documents, that they may not really exist.   While these documents have been presented in courts, in media briefings, and are in many locations on the web, the Libs selectively refuse to recognize their authenticity since the White House and its propaganda Media have intentionally ignored them.

I too find it difficult to believe.  But with the concrete evidence available both in print and the anti-American Regime actions, it is obvious the there has been a Coup much larger and more damaging than Watergate.

The figure head of this Coup is an illegal, undocumented Regime Leader which is recognized as the leader of a legitimate government. He has presented 2 forged birth certificates. He is using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS (additional evidence shown here).  He has the full arm of the Injustice Department, He has appointed two members to the Supreme Court, and He has the Progressive Underground and the Progressive Congress to cover His illegalities.

You should consider too that this Coup is funded and endorsed by many of America's enemies which stand to gain by the reduction of America's power, principle, and leadership.

As my ol Pappy said, "Convince a Man Against His Will, He's of the Same Opinion Still!"

National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan

Center for Security Policy | National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan
The video includes powerful statements by Steve Emerson, Executive Director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism; Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy; Chris Farrell, Vice President for Investigations and Research for Judicial Watch; Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, USA Ret., former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; Andrew C. McCarthy, former federal prosecutor and author of The Grand Jihad and Spring Fever; and Stephen Coughlin, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and author of the forthcoming book, Catastrophic Failure.
The video, National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan, compliments the Center’s other efforts to educate the public, media and policymakers about the dangers of a possible Brennan tenure at the CIA, including a collection of Brennan-related resources and several investigative pieces.
Brennan is another disaster waiting to happen.

If he is appointed, even you have to acknowledge the Coup by an underground group.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Is Bob Woodward a White House Appeaser?

Bob Woodward is a White House Appeaser
This exchange has all the earmarks of a “journalist” who, rather than being threatened, is being fed a line by the Obama White House and wants more of it. Woodward comes across not as a tough reporter engaged in an adversarial relationship with the White House but rather a whiner who wants more access to Obama.
Sadly, it is all too typical of how the liberal media do Obama’s bidding. The treatment of Frank Marshall Davis is a case in point.
Will we ever be able to trust the media or the government again?

I think not, as long as Socialist Libs have control with No morals.

Andrew McCarthy on Benghazi:

Andrew McCarthy on Benghazi: 'Dereliction of duty' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Andrew Just Sums It Up!

Obama, like Muslims, Aren't Bound by American Law

Muslims at Texas Rally Claim They Shouldn’t Be Bound by American Law.
A leader for the Texas branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations has told a crowd at a rally for Islam that members of the faith really shouldn’t be bound by American law.
“If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land,” said Mustafa Carroll, the executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth CAIR branch, a keynote speaker as the recent rally.
The event was a rally in Austin, a part of the nationwide effort to hold “Muslim Capitol Day” events.
Since Obama doesn't follow The Constitutional Law, maybe this is his reason.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

All in the (Political) Family--Obama Version

The American Spectator : All in the (Political) Family
Nonetheless, Obama sits in that Oval Office today thanks to four factors: the American voter, a scandalously biased media, a skillful election strategy charted by David Axelrod, and the careful nurturing of Valerie Jarrett.
And most remarkable, Axelrod’s and Jarrett’s backgrounds and mentors connect to Obama’s background and mentor in a most intriguing way. It’s a stunning story, hard to believe. Follow closely:
 Some call it Treason!

The Sequester and the Arab Spring

The Sequester and the Arab Spring - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online
Like the sequester molesters, “Arab Spring” devotees have their own fantasy vocabulary. The whoppers are “freedom” and “democracy,” the ideals, we’re told, that have swept the Middle East, even as it sinks into repression, social unrest, and the persecution of religious minorities. Islam and the West use the same words, but we are not conveying the same concepts — just as a “cut” in your budget means something very different from a “cut” in Washington’s.
Freedom? “Let it be known to you that the real meaning of freedom lies in the perfection of slavery,” explained al-Qushayri, a celebrated eleventh-century scholar of Islam...
On Tuesday, the dead-tree version of Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, my book on the subject, finally hit the bookstores after previously being available only as an e-book.
Andrew C. McCarthy is truly one of the greats.

The Castros' Are Here!

The TWO Most Dangerous Liberals in Texas

While many Texas conservatives continue to focus on national issues, the two most dangerous liberals in the state, U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro and San Antonio Mayor Julian Castor are laying the foundation to take over the state and to ascend to higher political office.

Last Sunday, (January 27, 2013) the Castro brothers were interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation” and predicted to a national TV audience that within two presidential election cycles, Texas would be dominated by the Democrats. “It's changing. It's going to become a 'purple state' then a 'blue state' because of the demographics, because of the population from folks coming from outside Texas,” Julián Castro said. Joaquín Castro agreed, but added that “it's going to take a lot of work from Democrats to lay the infrastructure for change. We are very busy working on that now.”

The key to the Castro’s vision and plan is “the demographics”. Their mother, Rosa Castro, was a member of the radical Raza Unida Party (RUP) in the 1970s which preached that America and Texas were the products of imperial aggression and colonialism imposed on Mexicans. Racial politics and “Chicano nationalism” are at the heart of their politics. Rosa Castro once stated that the defenders of the Alamo were “a bunch of drunks”.

The Castros now have a major ally in the Democratic Party. Henry Muñoz, a long time liberal fund political fund raiser in San Antonio, has been named chairman of the Party’s Finance Committee. Munoz's promotion shows that all the talk about taking Texas over is going a priority for the national Democratic Party. Since Munoz is already deeply involved in Texas Democratic Party politics, he can help fundraise nationally and help in ensuring Texas Democrats have funding for their state and local races in particular.

If you want to know how Mayor Castro governs, just look at the Texas Comptroller’s report on local debt from December 2012. San Antonio has the highest per capita debt among major Texas cities, even leading Houston. In November, Castro pushed through a Pre-kinder education program for 4 year olds which carries a long term debt for tax payers.

Castro and VIA, chaired by Munoz, have also embarked on a streetcar project that will cost tax payers an estimated $790 million.

Castor also recently appointed a homosexual liaison to city government. These are just a few of the “indicators” of what is to come if the Castro twins continue unchallenged, and succeed.
The Castros come from the Saul Alinsky school of community organizing, similar to President Obama. They also come from a non-traditional home where they have been taught that the world’s poor are victims of capitalism, imperialism, and racism. If you like Barak Hussein Obama, you will love the Castro twins.
Voters in San Antonio, Bexar County and throughout Texas should sit up and take notice of the Castros and organize to stop them. They truly are the most dangerous liberals in Texas.
This alert is provided by George Rodriguez, president of the South Texas Alliance for Progress. You can follow him on Facebook at “El Conservador”. George is a proud Hispanic working to stem the tide of leftist leadership.

Thanks to Janice for this submission.

Wonder if they are related to the Cuba Castro's?