Sunday, March 17, 2013

Obama Fraud Presented To Members Of US Congress?

BREAKNG NEWS – Orly Taitz Discusses Obama Fraud To Members Of US Congress At CPAC | The Obama Hustle
Press Release
Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Mrgarita, ste 100
Dr. and Attorney Orly Taitz is currently a VIP attendee of CPAC convention. She personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Lou Gohmert, Senator Jim Inhofe, Congressman Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint.
During the conversation with Congressman Gohmert Taitz was surrounded by multiple reporters, who took pictures and recorded on  video tape the conversation. Taitz showed Gohmert Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, that he is using a stolen SSN. Taitz advised Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appered before Judge England, stating that they represent the US  Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama’s electoral votes. I asked, if he as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee indeed felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether he indeed directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that the Department of Justice never gave him any papers.
Later reporters, who witnessed te conversation took more in depth interviews, among them reporters from US News and World Report, National Reviews and a reporter from Australian TV.
Senator Inhofe similarly did not know anything about it. The conversation took place in front of the talk show host Rusty Humphries. Taitz talked to Congressman Steven King. He said that if Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it.
He stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallos stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King.
As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorneyor the US Congress, but raher as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama..
Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking the supporters to spread the word. If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate.
Additionally Taitz did some 10 interviews to different stations and reporters. Those interviews should be on line shortly.    –
Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411  fax949-766-7603
The Plot Thickens!

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