Thursday, March 28, 2013

Obama finds creative means to bypass Congress

Forget executive orders: Obama finds creative means to bypass Congress - Washington Times
Move over executive orders. President Obama has another tool to push policy absent congressional stamp — and it’s far less known and controversial. It’s called executive action.
The beauty of the action is that it avoids Republican criticisms and conservative charges that Mr. Obama acts like a “monarch” when issuing executive orders, The Hill reports. So while on paper, Mr. Obama may actually appear as if he’s issuing fewer executive orders than many other presidents who have served two terms, the reality is he’s still finding plenty of ways to bypass Congress. He’s just not calling those ways executive orders.
Resident Obama, orders He is King.

He can do it too, when the Repubs don't even see what's going on. 
They are too busy imitating the Libs.

This US "Ruller" is just a narcissistic crook that is joined by the rest of the Liberal crooks.

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